Best Questions to Ask When Hiring an SEO Company 

If you’re looking to hire an SEO company, there are a few questions you need to ask them to make sure they’re the right fit for your business. They’ll help you get the most out of your relationship with an agency and will also ensure that they can achieve results that align with your goals. 

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1. Can You Guarantee Local SEO Results?

There is no way to guarantee that your site will be ranked at the top of search engines for any given keyword. This is because the algorithm for Google’s local listings is constantly changing, and it’s impossible for an SEO firm to predict which changes will occur. However, they should be able to show you examples of their past work that demonstrate they have experience with local SEO strategies. 

2. Can You Guarantee Page-One Rankings?

You should be wary of any SEO company that claims to guarantee page-one rankings for your site. These kinds of guarantees are usually a sign that they’re using black-hat tactics to rank websites, which can lead to penalties and significant traffic loss over time. 

3. Can You Give Me a Sample Report?

This is a great question to ask because it lets you see how the agency will track progress toward your shared goals. Many SEO companies provide their clients with a monthly progress report that lists metrics such as keyword rankings, backlinks, and organic traffic improvements. If they don’t have a sample report, they’re probably not a good fit for you.

4. How Does Your Approach to Link-Building and Influencer Marketing Compare?

A good agency will focus on building quality links over a large quantity of low-quality ones. They’ll do this by focusing on content that drives incoming links, and by cultivating relationships with editors, influencers, and other bloggers who can link back to your site. 

5. How Will You Measure Your Success?

One of the most important things an SEO company can do for you is to provide you with detailed reports. This can help you track your campaign’s progress over time and make adjustments if necessary. They should also be able to give you a detailed breakdown of the metrics that they use to determine success.

6. Does Your Agency Have a Process for Mobile Optimization?

With Google now considering mobile optimization as a critical element of their search index, it’s imperative to find an SEO agency that is familiar with how to optimize for mobile. This can include determining the user intent for mobile searches, performing a site audit to identify and address any technical issues that may be impacting the experience of users, and utilizing mobile-friendly design principles when creating new content. 

7. Does Your Agency Collaborate With Other Teams?

When it comes to SEO, it’s best for an agency to be able to integrate its efforts with its entire marketing strategy. This means collaborating with content writers and public relations teams, as well as your sales and web development teams.