How can an SEO expert improve your search engine rankings? 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex and constantly evolving field. But there are some basic concepts and techniques that remain constant, regardless of what the latest SEO trend is. 

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For example, it is always a good idea to keep your website updated with relevant keywords that your target audience is searching for. Having the right keywords throughout your site and in your title tags is one of the most fundamental ways to boost your rankings. 

Another important factor is ensuring that your content is unique and provides value to readers. This will help to increase your rankings because Google rewards websites that provide quality, helpful and relevant content for their users. A good way to create unique and valuable content is by creating a blog on your website. By frequently publishing blogs about topics that are relevant to your business, you can build up an index of pages that will help to improve your SEO ranking over time. 

Using social media to promote your physical therapy practice is another great way to increase your online visibility and boost your rankings. A strong social media presence can be achieved by regularly posting articles and blogs that link back to your site and social media profiles, as well as by promoting your content through targeted paid campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

It is also important to get your business listed on reviews and local directories that are relevant to your industry. This will give you an opportunity to highlight your brand, promote special offers and promotions, and encourage customer reviews. These citations can have a big impact on your SEO rankings, as they are considered an important signal of the authority and relevance of your site. 

You can also improve your SEO by adding videos to your website and blogging about your business, industry, products or services. The addition of video can improve the user experience, which is a big ranking signal that search engines look for. Including images on your website can also be a ranking factor. The average search engine results page (SERP) is now dominated by mobile devices, so making sure that your website and content are optimized for mobile is essential. 

Finally, make sure that your website is built on the most recent web software so that it is easy for search engines to crawl and index your content. The most popular and SEO-friendly web software is WordPress. 

It is also important to avoid using “black hat” techniques that can damage your SEO ranking. Beware of companies that promise to get you on the first page of search engines for a small fee. These methods typically involve paying for links to your site or submitting your website to thousands of search engines. These tactics are against Google’s terms of service and could result in a penalty or ban from the platform. Instead, work with an experienced, trustworthy, and reputable SEO specialist to help you achieve your goals.