How can canonical URLs impact technical SEO? 

One of the most important aspects of search engine optimization is technical SEO. It includes things like 301 redirects, content analysis, and other methods that can help search engines understand the pages on your site.

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Using canonical URLs is a great way to resolve duplicate content issues, consolidate link equity, and redirect users from old to new pages. However, canonical tags have some limitations that need to be taken into account. 

When a canonical tag is applied to a page, it tells search engines that the original version is the most important and should be indexed and ranked for certain queries. This can make your site’s content more relevant to searchers, improve site load speed, and reduce the number of redirects that need to be set up. 

You should use a canonical tag on all of your pages that have duplicate content. This can include product pages, news and blog articles, and even small details in your website’s design or color scheme. 

Canonicals are an essential part of any SEO strategy that involves publishing or re-publishing a piece of content. They also help when you want to share a piece of content on social media without changing its original content. 

It can also be useful when a page has a lot of links pointing to it, such as in a blog post. It’s a good idea to make sure that each of these links points to the same version of the page to avoid confusion with search engines. 

This is particularly true of paginated pages, such as news and blog pages. It’s a good idea to ensure that each of these pages has unique and valuable content. 

The most common way to implement canonicals is by using the rel=”canonical” tag. But you can also use other elements to determine which version of a page is the most representative or “canonical.” 

Canonicals should be applied to all your pages, regardless of their size or content. They are also a great way to resolve duplicate content problems, consolidate link equity, and make your content more accessible to search engines and users. 

They can also be used to fix broken links, especially in cases where a link re-directs to the wrong URL. This is a problem that can be very common on large e-commerce sites. 

Creating canonicals on a page is not always easy, but it is worth it if it can solve the problem of a duplicate version of a page. This is especially true when you have a page that is being shared on social media or linked to from other websites. 

You can also use canonicals on pages that are not accessed by a user, such as product catalogs. You can do this by adding a canonical tag to the product’s image or title. 

There are many ways to apply canonicals, but the most common is by using the canonical tag in the head> section of the HTML code for each page on your website. Alternatively, you can add them to each page’s HTTP header.