How can customer feedback be used to improve conversion rates?  

There are many things that can be done to improve your website’s conversion rate, but one of the most powerful is utilizing customer feedback. Not only can it help you to understand how customers view your product, but it also gives you the opportunity to improve your business and product in ways that are not possible with any other strategy. 

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What is Customer Feedback?

There is no one right way to use customer feedback, but there are some key things to keep in mind when using it. First, it should be easy for your customers to provide their feedback. If you make it difficult for them to do so, they will not be able to provide the information that your team needs to improve your products and services. 

Second, customer feedback should be collected as often as possible. This will allow your customers to keep giving you feedback about how you are doing and it will also encourage them to keep coming back for more. 

Third, you should ensure that the feedback is relevant to your products and services. For example, if a customer has been happy with your service but it’s not clear how to get started with your product, you should include that information in the survey so that you can address their issue immediately. 

Lastly, customer feedback should be a way for you to measure your effectiveness at improving the customer experience. This can be done through customer satisfaction scores, Net Promoter Scores, Goal Completion Rates and more. 

In-Moment Feedback:

Getting customer feedback in-moment is always more effective than collecting it at a later point. For example, if you’re at an airport and you’ve just pushed a button that lets your cleaning staff know you are unhappy with the sanitation in their restrooms, they will be more likely to respond quickly and help you resolve the problem. 

The same goes for post-purchase surveys and SaaS updates – feedback is vital to making the user experience as frictionless as possible and it can also assist you in tracking bugs that are affecting your products. 

Negative Feedback: 

If you receive feedback that is less than happy, it is even more important for your business to act on it. These kinds of negative responses can be a great way for you to improve your business, but you need to do it correctly and take the time to resolve the issue. 

Testimonial Sections:

When you add testimonial sections to your sales copy, it will help to increase the trust of potential customers. This will give your customers more confidence in your business and product, which can lead to increased conversions. 

 Real-Time Alerts:

Real-time feedback is important for any online business, especially during busy times. This will help you to identify any problems that are causing your customers to leave your site, allowing you to fix them before they become worse and lose their business.