How Can I Get Free SEO? 

If you are looking to get more traffic from your website, there are many free SEO tools that can help. These tools can help you find keywords, optimize your content, and track your ranking progress. They are also a great way to get started with search engine optimization. 

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Keyword Research

One of the best free keyword research tools is Answer the Public, which gives you a curated list of popular related search terms to choose from. The tool is especially useful for finding long-tail keywords that have high search volume. It breaks down its data into questions, prepositions, and comparisons, and you can even download it in CSV format. 

Site Analysis

If you’re a WordPress user, Yoast SEO is a great free tool to help you optimize your pages. This plugin lets you add structured data to your site so that Google can read your content better and improve your rankings. It also grades your content in real-time and provides analytics to show you how effective it is. 

Link Building 

If your website is primarily an e-commerce site, you want to ensure that it’s getting the traffic it needs. It’s important to have a strong backlink profile so that Google can see you as a relevant and trusted source for certain keywords. This free tool will tell you which websites are linking to your site and how much they link. 

SERP Snippets

This tool helps you write optimized meta titles and descriptions for your website. It’s a great way to make sure that your title tags are SEO-friendly and that you’re using the right phrases to attract organic traffic. 

Social Media Monitoring

If your business is heavily reliant on social media, you should consider getting an app that can help you monitor your accounts. This will give you an idea of how your content is performing across the board, as well as what content is generating the most traffic from social media. 

Local SEO

If you’re a local business, you should look for free tools to help you rank locally. These tools can help you understand how your competitors are performing in your area, as well as identify keywords you can use to compete against them. 

Google Analytics

If you have a small business, the free version of Google Analytics is a great way to monitor your site’s performance. It shows you how your site performs in terms of clicks, impressions, and conversion rates, as well as how Google is indexing your site and how mobile-friendly it is. 

Bing Webmaster Tools

If Bing is your primary search engine, then Bing Webmaster Tools is a must-have. It allows you to submit new URLs for Bing and monitor your rank. It also has a wide range of other SEO tools, including a backlink checker and a keyword research tool. 


If your website’s loading speed is slow, you should try this free tool. It will run an analysis of your site’s speed and structure to find out why. It also gives you a list of recommendations on how to improve it.