How Do I Make My Website SEO Friendly? 

Whether you’re building a simple website or a complex eCommerce site, there are several important things to keep in mind. Your website architecture plays an important role in SEO. The hierarchy of your pages will influence how search engines understand them, especially when there are many pages to crawl. Google wants its searchers to be able to navigate your website easily, so the visual layout of your site should reflect this.

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Making a website mobile-friendly 

There are many things to keep in mind when making a website mobile-friendly. First and foremost, it is important to use responsive HTML syntax. Breakpoints are defined by content and should be based on the smallest mobile devices first. Then, select larger screens if possible. Always optimize the text content for reading on small screens. Don’t forget to keep the distance between clickable links and buttons to a minimum. 

Creating an XML sitemap 

To create an XML sitemap for SEO-friendly web pages, you must first sign into your cPanel control panel. Most hosting platforms will give you cPanel for free. If you do not know how to use it, you can look for your hosting provider’s guide on the subject. Once you have access to cPanel, click the “File Manager” tab and select the “public_html” folder. Click on “Upload” and choose a location where you can upload your XML sitemap. 

Using a standard h1 tag 

Using a standard h1 tag on your website can have huge benefits for your SEO efforts. Search engines use these tags to categorize pages and specify their headings. A well-written h1 should provide the information a user expects to see on the page. This behavior is known as pogo-sticking and will negatively affect your SEO. If your h1 fails to provide what a user expects, he or she may simply leave without reading the rest of the content. 

Using subheadings 

If you want your website to rank higher, use headings. Higher-level headings should have at least one keyword in them. Higher-level headings should tell readers what they can expect to read on the page. This is important because search engines use them to better understand what you are writing about. They also help readers scan the page. Injecting keywords at the appropriate levels will help your readers find the information they need. 

Using descriptive categories 

There is no single, definitive way to make your website SEO-friendly, and opinions vary widely. Some businesses are stuck in the early 1990s, while others have evolved with the times. In both cases, the importance of user experience cannot be overstated. After all, if customers can’t find what they’re looking for, they will go elsewhere. By following these basic tips, you’ll be well on your way to ensuring your website is optimized for search engines. 

Using descriptive filenames 

Using descriptive filenames for images on your website is a great way to optimize them for search engines. Google recommends that filenames be as descriptive as possible. You should use descriptive filenames for all images on your website, even if the image doesn’t have any text description.