How Do I SEO My Company Website? 

Whether you run an eCommerce website or provide free content to your target audience, SEO is key to making sure your website shows up in search results for relevant keywords. The higher you rank, the more traffic you can drive to your site and the more qualified leads you can attract. 

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Getting Started:

To start, you’ll need to create and optimize your site’s content. This includes identifying the keywords you want to rank for and writing original content around those terms. 

You can use tools such as Google Analytics, Moz, or Search Console to help you determine which pages on your site are ranking for target keywords and how well they’re performing in organic search. 

Then, you’ll need to optimize those pages with relevant and engaging content that provides value to your target audience. 

Optimizing your existing content is a great way to improve your rankings for target keywords without having to spend much time or money on new content. You can also identify opportunities to optimize your existing content by analyzing the SERPs for your target keywords and examining the top-performing sites that rank above yours. 

Your page titles, meta descriptions, and headers are all important for SEO. The title tag is a snippet of text that appears in the tab at the top of your browser, and the meta description is a summary that shows up in search engine results. 

These tags can be optimized with your main keyword or a related term, and they should be short enough to capture the attention of users and make them want to click on your website. You can use a tool like Moz’s preview feature to see how your page titles and meta descriptions appear in search results. 

Link Text:

Links are a valuable part of your web design, as they allow visitors to move between different pages on your site and tell Google what each page is about. However, they can be confusing for both people and search engines if they’re not written correctly. The best way to ensure that your links are effective is by writing link text that is relevant to the page you’re linking to and avoiding overly generic anchor text such as “click here” or “page.” 

Image optimization:

Images are an important part of your website, but they can be difficult to optimize for SEO if they aren’t formatted correctly. This includes titles, file names, captions, and alt text. In addition, you can follow Google’s image SEO guidelines for keywords and other best practices. 

URL Structure:

Your site’s URLs are another important aspect of your SEO strategy. A URL that contains your main keyword is best, but you can use dashes to separate the keyword from your page title. Review Search Engine Journal’s in-depth URL guide for more information. 

You can also use the XML sitemap generator to ensure that search engines can find all of your web pages. This will allow them to crawl your site easily and understand what you’re about.