How Much Does an SEO Cost? 

The cost of hiring an SEO expert varies significantly. For a technical SEO expert, the price may range from $2,000 to $5,000 per month. This type of expert will implement SEO strategies with a CMS or a developer, which can increase a website’s authority score, which is a measurement of trustworthiness by Google. 

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Hourly consulting 

Hourly consulting costs vary, but in general, an SEO expert’s rate ranges between $76 and $250. SEO specialists with extensive experience and advanced knowledge will likely charge more. Hourly rates are often project-based, so the price you pay will depend on the type of work you need to be done. For example, an hourly consultant can help you with technical or on-page fixes, or develop a content marketing strategy. 

It is best to hire an SEO consultant who can demonstrate results in terms of website traffic, keyword rankings, and growth over time. They can also provide you with metrics about the success of your SEO project, including the amount of money the campaign generated. And while SEO hourly consulting costs vary greatly, many companies offer discounted rates during slow seasons. 

SEO specialists can charge hourly or on a monthly retainer. If you need ongoing assistance with SEO, they may charge you a monthly retainer of 501 to $1000 per month. The prices may vary, depending on the number of experts assigned to your brand. 

Project-based pricing 

Project-based pricing is a common pricing model for SEO. Its value is that it gives businesses more control over the scope of their work. In addition, this approach comes with a defined start and end date, making it a popular choice for SEO projects that require less ongoing maintenance. Those interested in project-based pricing should be aware that the cost of this model may be higher than a long-term retainer. 

One of the advantages of project-based pricing is that it is easy to calculate. Unlike monthly retainers, project-based pricing allows both parties to better control costs, as well as measure the results. This pricing model is becoming increasingly popular, especially among small businesses. The average cost of a project-based SEO service is between $1,000 and $7,500, but it can be even higher.