How to Become an SEO Expert? 

If you are interested in learning more about how to become an SEO professional, the first thing you need to do is find out as much as you can about the profession. You can take classes to improve your skills and build a professional network. You can also join groups for your field, like marketing and content creation, social media for business, or content creation. By joining these groups, you can ask questions, discuss trends, and access industry resources. 

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Learn about the basics of SEO 

To succeed online, you need to learn about SEO basics and how to apply them to your website. Fortunately, there are several resources out there to help you learn the tricks of the trade. Some of them are offered by prominent names in the world of digital marketing. These guides cover topics such as search engine operation, keyword research, and measuring success. Another great option for beginners is Google’s starter guide. It is broken down into 10 chapters and will walk you through the basic steps of getting your website discovered. 

Sitemaps tell search engines how to find and index your pages. You can build a sitemap to make sure that Google can find every page of your website. Sitemaps can be submitted to Google through the Search Console. 

Build a professional network 

If you have an interest in becoming an SEO expert, one of the best ways to do so is to build a professional network. Social media platforms like LinkedIn are great places to find like-minded individuals in your field. You can send emails to other experts and get tips from their experience. You can also attend SEO conferences, which are virtual meetings where SEO experts share their insights and knowledge. 

You can also join groups related to your fields, such as LinkedIn groups or Twitter discussions with certain hashtags. Another good way to build your network is through referrals from clients. SEO specialists in India can earn anywhere from 1.9 lakhs to 8.5 lakhs per year, depending on their level of experience. 

Write a portfolio 

When it comes to promoting your skills as an SEO, it’s important to include a portfolio of your work. Your portfolio should display the results of your work, as well as your process for achieving results. Include metrics, including new visitor numbers, pageview growth, and improved loading times. You can even include results for specific projects, such as an SEO course project. 

Creating a portfolio is an excellent way to show prospective employers that you know what you’re doing. You can include case studies that show how you implemented SEO tactics, as well as screenshots of analytics. If you’re working for yourself, be sure to include plenty of sample work in your portfolio, and make sure you have permission to use these samples on your website.