How to Do Keyword Research? 

Keyword research is an important part of the SEO process because it helps you to find terms and phrases that are relevant to your business. The right keywords can help your site, blog, or online shop attract more traffic from search engines like Google. 

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Before we can get into the nitty-gritty of how to do keyword research, let’s review some basic terminology and concepts. These terms and ideas are essential for understanding how keyword research works and can give you the confidence to implement a strong keyword strategy in your own marketing efforts. 

1. Think of General Topics and Topic Buckets

Before you can create a list of keywords, it is important to identify general categories that relate to your products or services. This is a great way to brainstorm ideas for content that you can then turn into targeted keywords. It is also a good idea to consider your competitors and see which keywords they use in their content and on their websites to attract the types of people you want to attract. 

2. Fill in the Buckets With Keywords

Now that you have a general idea of which topics your target audience would be interested in, it is time to start creating a list of keywords that fall into these buckets. These are the keywords you will use to find more specific, longer-tail terms that relate to your products or services. 

3. Sort the Topics by Volume and Intent

Next, it is important to analyze the keywords you have identified to find out which ones have high monthly search volume (MSV), meaning that a lot of people are searching for them on a regular basis. A higher volume means that you have a better chance of ranking for these keywords. This can help you decide which ones to focus on more closely, and which ones to ignore for now. 

4. Check the Intent Behind These Keywords

The most crucial metric when it comes to keyword research is keyword intent. Users are using keywords to look for solutions or information, so it is crucial that your web page matches their needs perfectly. 

Knowing how your target audience uses keywords can help you create more effective content, improve conversion rates, and increase the overall value of your SEO efforts. It can also help you create more effective ad campaigns and build a more comprehensive keyword strategy. 

5. Do Your Own Keyword Research With Free Tools

There are plenty of free tools available to do your own keyword research, from Google Trends and Keyword Surfer to SEMrush’s keyword magic tool and Moz’s keyword explorer. These tools are all easy to use and can help you find the most relevant and effective keywords for your website. 

6. Take a Strategic Approach to Keyword Research

Keyword research is a key component of SEO, and it should be an integrated part of your entire digital marketing strategy. By taking the time to do your research right, you can ensure that you are targeting the right keywords and reaching the right audience. Then, you can use these findings to develop a foolproof keyword strategy that will drive more traffic to your site, and ultimately convert those visitors into customers.