How to Do Search Engine Optimization in WordPress? 

If you want to get more organic traffic for your WordPress website, search engine optimization (SEO) is the way to go. This is done by optimizing your content to appear near the top of a search engine results page for a certain query. It is free and is often a great way to increase your website traffic without spending any money on ads. 

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Luckily, SEO is not difficult to understand or do, and there are many simple things you can do on your WordPress site that will help boost your rankings on search engines like Google. It does take time to build a strong SEO strategy, but the rewards can be well worth it in terms of increased traffic and sales. 

1. Make sure that your site loads quickly 

One of the most important factors when it comes to SEO is the speed of your website. Slow or unresponsive websites frustrate visitors and can reduce their engagement and conversions. This is why it’s so crucial to offer a good user experience. 

2. Use schema markup 

Schema markup is a set of tags that tells search engines what each of your pages is about, such as a blog post, FAQ, recipe, news article, or product page in your online store. It also allows you to provide rich snippets in search results, which can help you stand out from the crowd and improve your click-through rate. 

3. Submit your website to search engines and directories 

Whether you have a single page or a full-blown website, it’s always useful to submit your site to search engine directories and listing services. They can be comprehensive, like a general web directory, or specific to your niche and location, such as directories for a particular language or country. 

4. Create a sitemap for your site 

Having a sitemap can be very beneficial for SEO and it can ensure that search engines can find all of your website’s posts. It is also useful for your site visitors as it helps them navigate through the website and locate what they are looking for. 

5. Change your permalink structure 

It is very important to make sure that your WordPress website’s permalink structure is optimized for search engine visibility. This can be done by visiting Settings > Permalinks and selecting the option that is most suitable for your site. 

6. Add Image Alt Text to Images 

Adding Image Alt Text to your WordPress site’s images is very important for SEO. This is because the search engines will read the descriptions that are added to your images and will use this information to determine how relevant your site’s content is to a particular user’s search query. 

7. Include keywords in your title and description 

If you want to get more organic traffic for a specific keyword, it’s important to make sure that the keyword appears in the title and description of your page or blog post. This is because search engines will be able to identify which searches are most relevant to your content and rank your page higher for those search terms.