How to Do Search Engine Optimization Professional 

Whether you’re a new business owner or just want to increase the online visibility of your company, search engine optimization is essential for any successful website. SEO is a fast-paced and ever-changing field, so it’s important to keep up with the latest trends and tactics to ensure that your site gets noticed by the search engines. 

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How search engines work

When someone conducts a search on a search engine like Google, they are looking for a specific answer to a question or product. The search engine then sends out “spiders” to find pages on the internet that relate to the searcher’s query. The crawler then indexes the web pages and displays them in search results. 

Search engines use hundreds of different factors to determine which pages should appear in search results. These factors include: 

On-page SEO

On-page SEO involves optimizing the content on a page to improve its search engine ranking. It focuses on the content’s quality, keywords, and HTML tags. 

Meta Description

The description metadata displayed at the top of a search result and as the headline of a page is crucial to SEO. It is a brief and compelling description of the page’s content that encourages people to click on it. Ideal meta descriptions are 155-165 characters long and contain keywords and related words. 

Content and keyword placement

Using your primary keyword throughout the page’s content is a good way to increase its search engine rankings. You should also try to create content that includes secondary keywords that logically complement your primary keyword. For example, if you’re creating content about root canals for a dental site, choose secondary keywords that include “cavities.” This will help search engines understand what your page is about and improve its overall ranking. 


The inclusion of relevant images on a page is another way to improve its SEO. In addition to bringing attention to your page’s content, images can increase the number of people who visit the page. They are also a great way to get more traffic to your website through image searches and search engine results pages (SERP). 

Alt Text

If you have images on your page, make sure that they are tagged with the correct keyword for the content on that page. This allows search engines to “see” the images and rank them accordingly. It also makes your page more accessible to those with visual impairments, such as screen readers. 

Add relevant links to the content on your site and to other related sites as well. It is a good idea to include at least one link in the title of your page and two or more links in the body of your content.