How to Do Search Engine Optimization Yourself? 

Search engines are a powerful way to drive relevant traffic to your website. They use context, settings and past searches to deliver results that are most helpful to a user at that moment. This can include content that is specifically relevant to a person’s location or specific interest. 

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SEO is the process of optimizing a website to increase its rank in organic (non-paid) search results. It includes tasks like generating high-quality content, using keywords in titles and meta descriptions, and building links. 

A well-optimized site will be easy to find and provide a good experience for users. It also ensures that search engine bots can crawl the site efficiently and index all pages. 

You don’t have to be a search engine engineer to do great SEO on your own. This guide will help you understand how to do it yourself and show you some of the best tools out there for the job. 

Customer Research

First and foremost, you need to know your target audience. This can be tricky, but it’s crucial to the success of your SEO efforts. The best way to do this is to create a detailed persona of your ideal customer. HubSpot’s Make My Persona tool is a free, step-by-step tutorial that can help you get started. 


There are two types of keywords that you should be targeting: Product Keywords and Informational Keywords. Having optimized pages around both will give you the best chance of getting organic (non-paid) search traffic to your site. 

Image SEO

If you run a website that features lots of images, you need to optimize them for search engine bots. This involves adding proper filenames, alt text and title tags to each image. It’s important that search engines can read these tags so they can recognize the content of your images. 

Description metadata

This is the description of your page that’s shown in Google’s search results, so it’s vital to make it as good as possible. It should be short, concise and appealing so it grabs the attention of a searcher. 


Links are an extremely important part of search engine optimization, and not all links are created equal. You need to focus on building links from trustworthy, authoritative sites to build your website’s authority. This will pass more PageRank to your site, and will help you rank better in the long run. 


In my opinion, links are still the most important factor in Google’s ranking algorithm, and they aren’t likely to change anytime soon. So, even if you don’t have much time or money to invest in SEO, you should be looking for ways to build links to your website. 

Technical Optimization

While it might seem like an extra effort, technical optimization can have a big impact on your site’s search performance. It can help you make sure your website is secure, fast and mobile-friendly. 

It can help you set up automatic updates and security defenses to keep your site safe from hackers, and it can improve your page speed and usability.