How to Do Search Engine Optimization?

There are several different aspects to search engine optimization. You should know about On-page SEO, Technical SEO, Schema, and Internal linking. If you’re not sure how to do SEO, read this article. You’ll learn what these terms mean and what you can do to get the most from your site. It is crucial to know what each of these terms is all about. This way, you can start using them on your site immediately. 

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On-page SEO 

When it comes to on-page SEO for search engine optimization, the title tag is arguably the most important element. Google algorithms give more weight to titles and headings than they do to the body of the page, so it is essential to optimize your title tag with the main target keyword. You can also include the title of your page in the meta description. But remember to make the meta description as relevant as possible to the content of your page. 

Another important factor in on-page SEO is the number of links within your page. Search engines consider the total presence of your domain throughout the Internet, and a large number of backlinks from other websites can improve your overall online reputation. A higher number of social media shares and brand mentions can also help your online reputation. And the more your website is mentioned on the web, the higher its rank will be in the search results. Using on-page SEO can make your website bilingual, meaning it will be easier to understand by search engine robots and users. 

Technical SEO 

If you’re not sure how to optimize your website for search engines, you’re not alone. Technical SEO is an important part of search engine optimization and can make your website rank well in search results. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Instead, it’s about making it easier for search bots to crawl your site and index it properly. To do this, make sure that your site is easy to navigate, and use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to determine what your speed issues are. 

A technical SEO strategy should include canonical tags. While humans perceive web content differently, search engines treat every unique URL as a separate page. As a result, multiple URLs that contain the same content can confuse Google. Google will index the URL that’s most relevant to the content of the page, but the other URL might be wrong. Therefore, you should implement a canonical tag to ensure that Google indexes the right URL. 


The use of Schema in search engine optimization can be a significant boost to your website. The use of schema code helps search engines better understand the information on your webpage and what relationships exist between different entities. Schema code is made up of a series of rules and identifiers that search engines use to understand your content. There are many tools available to help you make schema code, but you don’t need to be a programmer to implement it. 

The Creative Works branch of the schema vocabulary includes markups for books, movies, videos, music, and creative works. Each of these identifiers can be used to describe specific elements of the media that they are embedded. Those elements may include book reviews, movie reviews, or other creative works. The Creative Works branch of the schema vocabulary is comprised of markups for creative works, such as books, movies, and video games. 

Internal linking 

The importance of internal linking is clear. It helps search engines like Google detect the freshness value of a site. To ensure that your links have high relevancy, you should use anchor text relevant to the linked page. For instance, if your link is pointing to a blog post, you should use the anchor text related to the topic of the page. When you link to another page on your site, your anchor text should be a few words or phrases. 

Internal linking can be done effectively and infrequently, but too much linking is not a good idea. Search engines do not crawl pages that have more than 150 links, and even header links count as a part of that total. In the past, keyword stuffing in anchor text was a common SEO tactic, but increasingly sophisticated search algorithms are penalizing this practice. You can use a variety of anchor text types, such as “related topics,” and use them as links to make your content more valuable to search engines.