How to Do SEO on Your Website? 

Search engine optimization is an important part of any website. Search engines want to direct users to relevant content. They will also look at the performance of the site. If the site is not performing as well as it should, the search engine will penalize it and lower its rankings. Therefore, you need to take the time to optimize your website. 

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Page title metadata 

If you’re trying to increase your website’s search engine visibility, the title and meta description of your web page are two of the most important aspects. Google will display the title in underlined blue font on the SERP, while your meta description is displayed underneath the title. The meta description, which can only contain 160 characters, contains additional information about the page. It’s important to create meta descriptions that are not spammy. 

A meta description is a brief description of your page that appears under the title tag in search results. It should be unique, but Google might pull a different description from your page. It’s important to make sure you’ve included enough information to attract visitors. Although meta description tags don’t offer as much SEO value as the title tag, they do affect your page’s click-through rate. 

Image alt-text 

It’s important to include SEO image alt-text on your website if you want your images to appear in search results. This type of text lets search engines know what the image is about, and it can improve your site’s performance. However, it’s important to note that it should not be keyword stuffed. You can include descriptive alt-text for your images but try to avoid keyword stuffing. 

When writing alt-text for your images, keep in mind that your text should be descriptive, and it should take into consideration the context of the image. Three common mistakes people make when writing their alt-text are: stuffing keywords into a fragmented sentence; this method adds fluff to the image and lacks context. Remember that web crawlers don’t read images with fragmented text, so keep the text under 125 characters long. 

Multiple headers 

If you have a website with multiple headers, you’ll want to pay special attention to the hierarchy of the headers on your page. Google gives more weight to the content in the header than it does to the body copy, so make sure that the headers are clear and structured. Placing all of your text in your headers will not achieve any of your objectives and could damage your SEO. 

In addition to avoiding duplication of the H1 tag, you should also make sure to use the H2 and H3 tags properly. These tags should follow a hierarchical structure, and they should be placed within each other. For instance, if your page has two H2 tags, make sure the first one is the senior level, while the second level is the junior level. 

Structured markup 

When it comes to SEO, having structured data on your website can have major benefits. Structured data makes it easier for the search engine to understand your content, making your website more relevant for users’ searches. It also makes your site eligible for enhanced results, such as rich snippets, knowledge boxes, and image carousels. With structured data, you can take advantage of these benefits and win the hearts of your audience. 

Implementing structured data on your website may seem complicated, but it’s not that hard to do. There are even Google tools to help you get started. Use the Structured Data Markup Helper and testing tools to ensure your markup is accurate. However, it’s important to note that adding structured data to your website does not guarantee you’ll be featured in a Featured Snippet. Google may take weeks to crawl a new HTML markup, so you’ll want to be patient with the process.