How to Find SEO Keywords? 

If you want to gain traction in the search engine, the first step in choosing SEO keywords is to understand search intent. Search intent describes the reason why someone is searching and what they hope to find when they do. For example, a band seeking traction would do well to avoid using the keyword phrase “wedding bands” because most searchers are looking for wedding bands. This understanding of search intent is a critical part of choosing SEO keywords. 

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Generic or broad keywords 

Generic keywords are broader in scope than brand keywords, and they help people find your business. It’s crucial to optimize around these keywords for search and conversion efforts. In this article, we’ll discuss how to choose the right keywords for your content. Listed below are a few examples of the best kinds of keywords to use on your website. 

Generic keywords describe a product or service without specifying a brand. They are less specific and may not match a user’s intent. However, they are more likely to increase traffic and increase the chances of conversion. As Google becomes increasingly sophisticated, generic keywords can boost your SEO efforts. 

Long tail keywords 

One of the best ways to optimize your website is to find long-tail SEO keywords. These terms have low search volumes, but high conversion rates. They should contain at least four words, ideally more. For example, “farming equipment” could have five hundred search results a month, but with a standard deviation (SD) of just 34, it’s still possible to rank for that term. 

Long-tail keywords are easier to rank for than more common keywords. The reason for this is that fewer websites are competing for the top spot in Google’s search results for these terms. Moreover, long-tail keywords are more likely to attract a niche audience. As a result, they can bring a lot of traffic to your website. And this traffic can be converted to sales. 

Google Trends 

If you are a content marketer, you’ve probably wondered, “How do I find SEO keywords?” One way to find new keyword ideas is by utilizing Google Trends. This powerful tool lists similar keywords in order of popularity. Not only does it show the percentage increase in search volume, but it also indicates how competitive the keyword is. For example, you can use Google Trends to find the seasonal trends of popular topics, such as holiday seasons. 

By default, Google Trends will show you the most popular search terms. Using this information, you can develop new content that targets those trends. You can also use this information to plan your content calendar. 

Answer The Public 

Answer the Public is a search engine that uses structured data to determine the most popular questions and answers for a specific topic. This data is then used to create content around these keywords and phrases. This can increase your website’s rankings in search engines such as Google. You can use this tool to discover keywords that relate to your niche and target market. 

Answer the Public works similarly to Google, with a user typing a term into a search box and the site returning a list of questions asked by the public. The search tool will automatically generate questions related to the term, such as “cats.” The questions are also organized into different categories, such as “how to find information about cats”.