How to Do SEO Keyword Research? 

When it comes to SEO keyword research, you need to know what to target. To do this, you should think about what assets you have on your site and what keywords you can use to target those assets. In addition, you should try to find keywords that target site visitors at many stages of the sales funnel. 

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Long-tail keywords 

Using long-tail keywords is a great way to drive targeted traffic to your website. These terms are generally less competitive than short-tail ones and are easier to incorporate into the content. The most effective places to use long-tail keywords are internal links and page copy. 

PPC keywords 

To make your PPC campaign more effective, you should first research the terms that people are searching for on Google. To do so, use tools like Google Keyword Planner to organize your ideas and find the best keywords to use for your ad campaigns. Then, break down your list of keywords into ad groups. 

Content marketing 

Keyword research is a crucial part of building your online presence and business. With over 5.5 billion searches per day on Google, the need to target the right keywords is vital. This research will ensure that your content matches your target audience’s interests. Keywords are also an important tool for building relationships with your audience. 

Google’s Keyword Planner 

Using Google’s Keyword Planner to research keywords for your website can be useful for SEO. It can give you a list of potential keywords and also tell you how many times they have been searched in the last month. This can help determine the best keywords to use for your website, as well as how much they’re worth in ad spending. 

Answer the Public 

If you’re looking for keyword ideas that will get the job done, one great tool is Answer The Public. This site will help you find related questions and topics based on search behavior. It can be a powerful tool when trying to rank for competitive keywords. 


I’ve been using MozBar for SEO keyword research for over 5 years now. It’s become a staple in my competitive analysis, link-building, and in-house SEO strategies. Clients love it because it’s easy to use, and adds another layer of information to any website. It is a great tool for anyone who wants to improve their rankings.