How to Set Up SEO For Your Business 

If you have a small business or run an e-commerce site, SEO is a crucial marketing tool that can help drive organic traffic to your website. Unlike paid ads, search traffic is free, passive, and consistent. 

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Investing in SEO can give your business a huge boost in both website traffic and sales. The key is to rank for keywords that are most relevant to your products or services, which will increase your visibility and generate more leads. 

Doing a thorough SEO audit is the best way to find out what needs improving. Then, a good agency will work with you to develop a strategy that improves your Google ranking, drives more traffic to your site and increases sales. 

A great SEO Company understands that SEO is a long-term investment and will conduct effective research into your brand, audience and the competition to ensure that your strategy is in line with your overall digital marketing plan. 

They will create optimized text and multimedia content for your website that can be used in a variety of digital marketing channels to promote your brand and products and grow your business. They will also take care of the technical aspects, like ensuring that your website is HTTPS-secured and using SEO-friendly URLs. 

Creating a keyword-rich title tag and meta description is an important part of any SEO campaign, as it’s what appears on the search results page when someone searches for your products or services. A good SEO Company will make sure that your title tags and meta descriptions are unique, well-written, and relevant to the content of the page being indexed. 

Use keywords naturally in the content of your page and in your title tags and meta descriptions. These are the elements that show up on search engine results pages and will be the first thing people see when they click to read your content. 

Anchor texts should provide a basic idea of the page being linked to and can be used in both internal links (pointing to other pages on your website) and external links (pointing to other websites). The more natural the language is, the easier it is for users and search engines to understand what the page is about. 

Build a strong network of quality backlinks for each page on your website by identifying your hub pages and topic clusters. These hub pages will aim to cover a broad range of keywords with high search volume. Then, start building supporting pages and posts that link out to each hub page. 

Include your primary keyword in the title, body and image of every page you publish on your website. This will encourage search engines to crawl and index your pages, which can then increase your organic search visibility. 

Choose secondary keywords that logically complement your primary keyword and make sure they’re included in the title, body and image of your content. For example, if you’re a dentist, your primary keyword could be “root canals” and your secondary keyword might be “cavities.” 

Always use natural, friendly and clear linking between your pages to encourage more visits from search engines and help your visitors navigate your site. Having a strong internal link structure can also help with conversions, as it makes it easy for your visitors to add items to their shopping cart or wishlist.