How to Start SEO For Beginners?

If you’re wondering how to start SEO, you are not alone. There are many ways to improve the performance of your website and improve your online presence. There are many things you can do, from creating unique URLs for your blog posts to implementing on-page SEO. This article will walk you through these steps. You can even use a sideliner to detect duplicate content and keyword cannibalization issues. If you’re blind or deaf, a screen reader can help.

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On-page SEO 

The heart of on-page SEO is the content on your website. This content should convey to readers and search engines what your site is about. Developing high-quality page content begins with keyword research. Using Google and other sources, such as blogs and other websites, you should choose keywords and topics relevant to your business. You can use keyword research tools like Ahrefs and UberSuggest to find the best keywords and phrases to use. Then, write for the personas of your target audience and use short and long-tail keywords to create natural content. 

Creating a sitemap 

To get your website indexed by Google, you should create a sitemap. This will help Google rank your site higher in search results. If you are not comfortable editing code, you can also use a plugin, such as All In One SEO Plugin for WordPress. This plugin will let you toggle the sitemap on and off. Creating a sitemap is very important to improve your SEO rankings and it will help you get more traffic to your website. 

Keyword research 

Getting a good keyword list is crucial to the success of your search engine optimization strategy. You can’t optimize for the wrong keyword. The wrong keywords are of no use to anyone. For example, the intention of a search for a wedding cake is different from that of buying a wedding cake in Boston or finding a bakery near me. The latter kind of search is much closer to the customer’s point of purchase. 

Creating unique URLs for blog posts 

To begin SEO, it’s important to make sure your blog post URLs are unique and describe the content of your post. The title of your post is also essential, as it should follow SEO guidelines. Using the same URL as every other blog post is not recommended because it will look unprofessional and will confuse readers. However, you should try to make your blog title as descriptive as possible, even if it’s only a few words long. 

Building backlinks 

When you’re just starting, one of the best ways to get noticed online is by establishing relationships with other website owners. While it can be easy to get one or two backlinks from the same website, you need to make sure that each one is relevant. A link from a blog that is not relevant to your site is a major red flag for Google, as it suggests that the website has poor content. If you’re wondering how to get started in SEO by building backlinks, consider getting in touch with industry-related websites and making comments.