How to Tell If Your SEO Company is Working? 

In the world of SEO, you have to be diligent in order to know if your marketing efforts are paying off. Especially if you are looking to attract more traffic to your website, you want to be able to measure your results and see if you are on the right path. 

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There are several metrics you can track to gauge your progress. One of the easiest ways to do so is by monitoring the number of inbound links your site is receiving. Another metric you can look into is the average time people spend on your website. When a user visits your site, you want them to remain on your page for as long as possible. You can use Google Analytics to measure this. 

The most impressive metric of all is the number of leads you generate. This is important because sales are what keep your business afloat. Your SEO provider should be able to tell you how many leads you generate each month. They should also be able to provide you with an explanation of what each lead entails. 

If you have a large number of leads, you may want to consider a lead management solution that allows you to easily manage them and track their progress. Some of the more popular solutions include Leadspot, Google Analytics, and MailChimp. Having this type of solution in place will help you stay on top of your leads and ensure you never miss a sale. 

The most impressive metric of all might be the number of clicks you receive from your web traffic. You can measure this by reviewing your search console or by checking your email inbox. 

While SEO is not an overnight success, it does pay off in the long run. A good SEO company will help your website gain more exposure and draw in more traffic. That means you need to take the time to find the right provider. 

The best SEO companies will be able to show you how much you are actually spending and how their tactics are impacting your bottom line. For example, if your website has an eCommerce store, you can easily measure your revenue and revenue per visitor in Google Analytics. It is also worth the time to compare the profit & loss statement of different SEO agencies to determine if you are a high-paying customer. 

The best way to know if your SEO company is doing their job is to review their activity reports. Make sure to check in on a weekly basis to keep yourself in the loop. Getting a weekly report is a great way to ensure you are tracking the most relevant metrics and comparing your company’s performance to your competitors. 

As you can imagine, it can be difficult to keep up with all the data that your SEO provider sends your way. However, they are the ones who can keep you on the right track. Keeping in touch with your SEO provider will help you monitor their performance and get the most out of your SEO budget.