How to Use SEO Yoast to Optimize Your Web Pages For Search Engines? 

Learn how to use SEO Yoast to optimize your web pages for search engines. This SEO plugin will help you create SEO-friendly website metadata that Google will use to display content in SERPs. It will also help you avoid duplicate content and prevent Google from getting confused when indexing web pages. 

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XML Sitemaps 

To optimize your blog for SEO, you must optimize it with XML sitemaps. The XML sitemap must contain at least fifty URLs. In addition, the file can reach 50MB in size. If your website has more than fifty posts, you will need two separate index sitemaps. However, the SEO Yoast XML Sitemaps plugin sets a limit of one thousand URLs. This helps your sitemap load quickly. 

A sitemap is a list of pages on your website that can be accessed by any internet user. A sitemap is an important tool for SEO, as it informs search engines of the pages on your website. It is also a way to improve the user experience on your website. 

Canonical URLs 

When you install the SEO Yoast plugin, it will automatically include the canonical URL tag on every page and template. This helps search engines understand the structure of your site and solves duplicate content issues. The plugin also automatically includes the self-canonical URL tag on every page. 

Canonical URLs work by combining the value of different versions of your page. They tell Google which version of your page is best. This is important because the search engine results page acts as your shop front. You want visitors to click on your website link, and sending them to the wrong version of your website can leave them disappointed. 

The canonical URL is a part of a website’s code that tells search engines which version of a page to index. It’s found at the head of the page, where the HTML code can be found. Make sure that you include a rel=”canonical” tag in the head section of the page. 


SEO Yoast REST API is a RESTful web application that allows you to use various features and options from Yoast SEO. It outputs OpenGraph data and crawling directives to give search engines a better understanding of your site. You can also use the REST API to create your own custom rules and custom fields. 

Yoast SEO is a web optimization tool that allows you to easily edit and manage SEO settings. You can customize your site’s look and feel by allowing or disallowing search engines to show certain content. It also has features that help you avoid duplicate content. Yoast SEO also alerts you to potential SEO problems and provides instructions to resolve them. You can choose to ignore these notifications or continue using the tool. 

Yoast SEO has some advanced features, such as the ability to insert information dynamically into your pages. For example, you can automatically update the title and year of a page. You can also control the use of noindex tags for certain types of content. Noindex tags are useful for preventing Google from indexing certain content.