How to Write an SEO Article? 

When writing an SEO article, you should consider a few factors that will affect the page’s SEO. For example, make sure the title contains the keyword phrase that your article will use. Also, make sure your article includes a Meta description and a bulleted list. These are all very important, as they will help people find your article through search engines. 

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Keyword phrase 

When you write an SEO article, you must include the right keywords for your article. Google has specific guidelines for incorporating keywords into the content. Typically, these keywords should appear naturally in the content and are placed within major headings and opening sentences. It is important to place these keywords in the right places, but you also need to avoid overusing them. 

The right keywords for your article will help drive traffic. Your articles should target keywords that people searching for your products or services will search for. For example, if a person searches for “swimming pools,” they will be more likely to find your article if you include the keywords in your title. 

Meta description 

When you write your SEO article meta description, you should keep in mind that you don’t want to fill it with keyword stuffing. This can make your description look spammy. Instead, use natural language to make it easy for the reader to understand. The meta description should also match the content of the page. 

The meta description should be between 160 and 180 characters long. The content should be unique to your business and the product you’re offering. It should use a name or a prominent person to help your company stand out in organic search. The meta description should be a compelling copy that explains how your product or service will benefit the reader. It should also include a call to action. 

Bulleted list 

Using bullets or numbered lists in your SEO article is a great way to make your content easily scannable by your reader. Not only does this user-friendly approach make your content more readable, but it also attracts the attention of search engines. Bullets or lists are also a great opportunity to include links to other relevant pages. Your readers will appreciate this and search engines will be happy to reward your website for providing ample contact information. 

Bulleted lists are particularly useful when you’re trying to summarize complex information. They make long paragraphs easier to read and they help you make important points stand out. One tool that can help you create a compelling bulleted list is Jasper’s Persuasive Bullet Points template. This program is easy to use and allows you to easily add information and select outputs. It can help you turn a product description into an engaging list of bullets. 

On-page optimization 

When it comes to optimizing a website, on-page optimization is a very important aspect to consider. It involves writing content with keywords in mind. However, you should avoid keyword stuffing, which can result in penalties. Instead, try to include your target keyword as naturally as possible within your content. This will increase the chances of your content being ranked well, and you can expect more traffic and visitors from your site. 

In on-page SEO, internal linking is an essential part of the process. These links help organize your content in clusters. This is common in sites that have a pillar-page structure. Depending on the purpose of the internal linking, you can use different strategies to optimize your content. 

Link to high-level websites 

When writing SEO articles, link to high-level websites where you can learn more about the topic. The anchor text should be short and descriptive, preferably just a few words. Long anchor texts can confuse users and make your content less useful. Similarly, don’t link to low-quality sites like gambling sites. 

Anchor text is the visible text part of a link, and it should contain the target keyword. Higher-quality anchor text correlates to higher rankings. However, be sure to avoid black-hat link-building practices. Instead, focus on using exact-match anchor text that is related to your topic. Also, avoid spammy anchor texts, as they will be annoying for readers.