Search Engine Optimization How-To – Web Design and Development 

When you want to get more traffic to your website, search engine optimization (SEO) is the key. You want your site to show up in search results when people are looking for what you sell, your services, or your blog posts. 

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SEO works by boosting the visibility of your website on Google and other search engines through techniques that increase your site’s rank in organic searches. Getting your pages to rank high in search results can result in more clicks, more sales, and more new clients or readers for your blog. 

How-To: Web Design and Development

The architecture of your website affects the way that search engine bots crawl your site and index it. The better your page architecture, the higher your website will likely appear in search results. 

Your website’s navigation also plays a role in search engine ranking. Make sure that the links that lead to different pages on your site are relevant and logically organized. This will help the search engine understand what information your website has to offer and where it belongs in your site’s hierarchy. 

Meta Descriptions

Your meta descriptions are another important element for search engine optimization. They provide a brief summary of the contents of your page in search engine results and affect click-through rates. Your meta description should contain no more than 160 characters and be keyword-optimized to improve your search rankings. 


The permalink for each page on your website is another critical element of SEO. Creating unique permalinks for each page ensures that your pages are clearly structured and will be easy to find by search engines. You can also use permalinks to help visitors navigate your site, as well as to help search engine bots understand what pages are important. 

Title Tags

The title tag is another important SEO element that influences your site’s click-through rates. It’s the first thing that people see when they search your site, and it’s a great place to include keywords. Depending on your website, it can be a good idea to create a unique title tag for every page of your site. 

Image Alt Text

The alt text for images on your website is another critical element of SEO. This is the text that helps screen readers parse your images, which improves the search engine’s ability to index and display your content on search results pages. 

Schema Markup

Schema is a set of HTML tags used by many search engines to add more detailed information about your website to the SERPs. These can include star ratings, customer ratings, images, and more. 

Link Building

One of the best ways to increase your site’s search rankings is by adding links to your website from other relevant websites. In particular, you should focus on linking to sites that have a higher authority than yours, which will boost the overall SEO of your website. 

Google Analytics

Your website’s analytics is a valuable tool for tracking your website’s performance and user behavior. It can also help you identify which areas of your website need improvement, and it offers a lot of valuable data for free.