Ways to Make Your Website Search Engine Optimization Effective 

SEO is a process of making small modifications to your websites that can have a big impact on the overall performance and visibility in search engine results. It can be easy to overlook these small changes when you’re focused on the bigger picture, but it’s crucial to keep these optimizations in mind as you develop your website and marketing campaigns. 

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Use heading tags for content organization

Heading tags help users skim through pages more efficiently by making it easier to determine where one topic ends and another begins. This also helps search engines understand your content, as they can see the logical structure of the page and better understand how to display it. 

Optimize your title tag for search engines 

Your web page’s title tag is what everyone sees when they click on a link to your site, so it needs to be as descriptive and relevant as possible. It’s also a great place to include keywords that your target audience would be using to search for your content. 

Make your top navigation links to your most important pillar pages

Your top navigation is the first place visitors will go on your website, so it’s important that it’s easily accessible and optimized for search engines. It should include links to your most important pillar pages (like about, contact, etc.), as well as any other key sections on your website. 

Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly 

As more people are using mobile devices to search for things online, Google and other search engines are looking for ways to provide the best user experience on any device. This can include things like mobile-friendly URLs, full functionality on all devices, and responsive design that automatically adjusts to the size of the screen. 

Create unique image alt text for every photo or video you post on your website 

When you have images on your site, it’s important to include relevant information in the alt text to help search engines interpret them. This can include things like a description of the item being pictured if it’s an image, and even what the image is showing (like a yellow raincoat). 

Be sure to use your brand name in the alt text for each image, as this can help with search engine rankings and also improve user experience for those with visual disabilities. 

Keep your content fresh

In order to rank well in search engine results, you need to consistently add new and relevant content. This includes not only CMS pages, but also blog posts and departmental news updates. This type of content is viewed as highly valuable by search engines, and it’s a good way to boost your SEO. 

Always have a regular audit and update schedule for your content, so it’s always fresh. 

Organize your content by theme 

Having separate sections for different topics on your website is important to organize your content. This can include things like paragraphs, subheadings, and even layout separation.