What are some common misconceptions about SEO that an expert can clear up? 

SEO is an important tool for any small business that wants to succeed online. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about SEO out there that can lead to bad decisions and wasting time or money. So what are some of the most common misconceptions about SEO that an expert can clear up? 

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Many of the myths about SEO are based on incorrect connections between activities and a rise in organic search performance. For example, if someone had success with a particular technique in a specific industry or competitive vertical, it’s natural that they would advise other people to try the same thing. But applying these techniques to every website without taking into account the individual industry, competitors and technology is naive. 

It is also common for SEOs to spread misinformation simply because they have seen a benefit from an activity and want others to see the same result. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it will be effective for everyone. For example, when Google rolled out favicons in search results, a lot of articles were written about how that was going to make a big difference for click-through rates. But then Google changed it back and a lot of that advice was quickly rendered moot. 

The fact is that getting to the top of Google search results isn’t easy and it’s not guaranteed. It is an ongoing process that requires continual improvement in order to maintain rankings and drive traffic. Many small business owners have been burnt by SEO agencies who have promised them first position and then failed to deliver. There are also a lot of scammers out there who use black hat techniques that violate Google’s guidelines in an attempt to fool unsuspecting clients. 

Another mistake that is frequently made is trying to rank for too many keywords at once. This will actually hurt your rankings rather than help them. Focusing on one keyword at a time is the best way to achieve long-term success in SEO. 

There are some who believe that it doesn’t matter what you write on your page – as long as you have a lot of links, you will rank well. This is not true and is another one of the most dangerous SEO myths out there. Quality content, keyword research and on-page optimization are all crucial to ranking well. 

Many people think that there is a “duplicate content penalty” in Google but that’s not the case. Duplicate content is just a part of the web and doesn’t negatively impact search engine performance as long as it is original. 

There are so many misconceptions about SEO that it’s important to speak with a real expert before making any decisions about your marketing. By doing so, you can ensure that your SEO is going to be successful and that you’re not falling into any of the traps that some people have fallen into in the past. So if you’re interested in working with an SEO agency, be sure to talk with more than 3 different agencies and get all of your questions answered so that you can make an informed decision.