What are some of the most common technical SEO issues that an expert can address? 

Many enterprise websites have a myriad of stakeholders with a strong sense of ownership and a need to please each other. As a result, some technical SEO mistakes can slip through the cracks and have a profound effect on the success of a site. Fortunately, there are ways to spot these problems and avoid them. 

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To keep your site’s content in the best possible shape, it is a good idea to conduct regular technical SEO audits to check for errors that could hurt your search rankings. In the past, this has often involved analyzing the source code of all your website pages. However, with the advent of various software solutions like Serpstat Site Audit, a much easier and more effective approach is available. 

We surveyed 30 SEO experts to find out what they think are some of the most common technical SEO issues that an expert can ad. Here are their responses: 

Missing Alt Tags:

This error is easy to prevent, especially if you use a tool to generate your HTML code. Adding an alt attribute to images will make it possible for crawl bots and visually impaired visitors to understand your images by reading the text that accompanies them. 

Unnecessary 404 Errors:

Whether they are triggered by broken links or internal redirects, unnecessary 404 errors can damage your SEO ranking. They are also a real pain for visitors to your website who have to deal with broken links or the frustration of finding a page that no longer exists. 

Incomplete URL Structure:

This issue, caused by dynamic URLs, session IDs, additive filtering, and more, results in pages that Googlebot can’t index because they don’t offer a clear path to the content. To prevent this problem, you should ensure that your URLs are clearly structured and avoid excessively long or complex URLs. 

Duplicate Content:

One of the most serious on-site technical SEO errors that can impact your search engine optimization efforts is duplicate content. It can occur in a variety of different ways, including using the same language tags for multiple pages and copying text from elsewhere on your site. The best way to combat this problem is by performing a duplicate content check on a regular basis using an automated tool like Serpstat. 

XML and 301 Redirects:

Creating a proper XML sitemap and setting up 301 redirects are essential steps in any technical SEO process. A faulty sitemap may be sending confusing signals to Google about the structure of your website, while an incorrect set of 301 redirects can cause search engines to penalize your site. 

Noindex Tags:

Noindex tags are important for ensuring that search engines ignore parts of your website that you don’t want them to index. They can be inserted in either the meta tag of an individual page or as part of a sitewide noindex directive. However, if you use noindex tags on the wrong page, it can actually have the opposite effect and damage your SEO performance.