What are some of the most important analytics tools an SEO expert should be proficient in using? 

SEO can be a long and difficult process, but the right tools can make it much easier. While these tools can’t do the work for you, they can help you get a leg up on the competition and see results faster. 

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Having a solid understanding of the most important analytics tools an SEO expert should be using can help you save time and focus on what matters most: optimizing your content for search engines. These 10 SEO tools are a good place to start and offer insights that can speed up your growth and take you to the next level of success. 

Google Analytics (GA) and Search Console (GSC) are a core part of any SEO toolkit. These are free tools that can give you a huge amount of valuable information about your website, including search queries, site traffic, and the performance of each page. GA can also track ROI and attribution, and GSC can audit your technical SEO. 

Another must-have for any SEO expert is a great keyword research tool. There are many great options available, including the free Ubersuggest tool from Neil Patel, which offers suggestions for both short- and long-tail keywords, based on the highest-ranking SERPs. This can be a great way to find new ideas and target keywords that are working well for your competitors. 

For more in-depth keyword research, try the paid SEMrush tool. This tool is one of the most powerful SEO tools on the market and can do almost everything from tracking keywords to analyzing competitor sites. It can provide you with the most up-to-date data about how your competitors are performing and which keywords they’re targeting, as well as a host of other features that can help you improve your own website. 

The free SEOQuake tool is a great Chrome extension that provides a number of useful tools for on-page SEO. It can analyze your website and identify issues such as broken links, keyword density, site structure, and more. It can even do a comparison of your website against your competitor’s, showing you what improvements need to be made. 

Another highly effective and well-rounded tool that can do almost everything an SEO needs is Datorama. This platform is more geared towards businesses with engineering resources, but it can be a great option for those who want to unify their marketing and analytics data in one place. This tool offers a range of integrations and can be used with other tools like GDS. 

All of these tools can make your life as an SEO much easier and help you to optimize for search engines. However, remember that you’ll still need to put in the work to produce quality content and ensure it’s SEO optimized. So make sure you have these tools in your arsenal and use them regularly to stay ahead of the competition!