What are some of the most important aspects of mobile-first indexing that an SEO expert can help you with? 

Mobile-first indexing is Google’s new way of ranking search results. This shift in priority is because more searches are done on mobile devices than desktop computers. With the rise of smartphone use, this change in priority makes sense. The goal is to give users the most relevant search results when they are looking for something. Having an SEO expert with the knowledge to help you prepare for this change is crucial. There are a few important aspects that an SEO expert can focus on when preparing for this change. 

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One of the biggest misconceptions about mobile-first indexing is that it is only for responsive websites. While it is true that responsive sites are already optimized for mobile, there are still many other ways to make a site mobile-first. In addition, it is recommended that all websites follow Google’s best practices for mobile SEO to ensure that they are ready for the transition to mobile-first. 

Invisible components, such as structured data and metadata markup, are also important to consider when optimizing for mobile-first. These elements are invisible to visitors, but they have a significant impact on how Google views your website and the results it returns in search. It is a good idea to ensure that the same structured data is used on both the desktop and mobile versions of your site, as well as using the same metadata on both. 

Another factor to keep in mind is mobile page speed. It is very important to have a fast loading mobile website, as it has been a ranking factor for quite some time now. However, this is likely to become even more important once the switch to mobile-first indexing takes place. This is why it’s a good idea to regularly check your Google Search Console for any errors related to mobile speed that may need to be corrected. 

Overall, it’s important to understand that mobile-first indexing is going to be the future of the web. Getting your business on board with this mindset will allow you to remain competitive and keep your customers happy. If you are looking for an experienced SEO expert to help you navigate through the changing landscape of mobile-first indexing, contact us at Hurrdat Marketing today. We offer a wide range of services, including SEO and web design, that can help you meet your marketing goals. Get started with a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you! Hurrdat Marketing has been providing professional SEO and Web Design Services since 2009. We specialize in creating innovative experiences that drive results. We understand that every industry is unique and we work hard to create solutions tailored to the needs of our clients. Our team is committed to helping our clients achieve success by using the most current techniques and tools. We deliver high-quality work, on-time and within budget. Hurrdat Marketing is proud to have earned the reputation of being a reliable partner for businesses of all sizes.