What are some of the most important factors to consider when choosing an SEO expert? 

The search engine optimization (SEO) industry is a fast-growing and complex one, so it’s important to hire a professional. Hiring an SEO expert can increase your website traffic, improve your organic search engine rankings, and ultimately, boost your revenue. However, not all SEO professionals are created equal. Some may have a surface-level understanding of the field, while others may use questionable techniques that could harm your business in the long run. 

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So, how do you choose the right SEO expert for your company? The answer lies in asking the right questions during an interview. Below are some of the most important factors to consider: 

1. What Are Your Key Performance Indicators?

This question is important to ask because it will help you determine whether or not an SEO consultant understands your business and how to best optimize your site. The answer to this question will also help you find out if they are able to deliver on their promises. For example, if an SEO claims that they can guarantee you number one rankings in three months, it’s probably best to avoid them. Google itself warns businesses to stay away from companies that promise number one ranking spots. 

2. What are your preferred tactics? 

This is a great question to ask because it will help you see what type of SEO strategies the expert prefers. The answers will also give you a good idea of their experience and expertise. For instance, an experienced SEO will be more likely to use a holistic approach to marketing – meaning that they will look at all aspects of your website, from keywords to content, and make changes accordingly. A newer SEO, on the other hand, will be more likely to focus on specific tactics such as link building or keyword research. 

3. Do you follow any SEO influencers or blogs?

A big part of the SEO industry is following popular influencers and blogs. So, this is an important question to ask because it will help you identify any biases or shady practices they might have. For example, if an SEO influencer is advocating something that’s against Google’s guidelines, it’s likely that other sites will follow suit and be penalized as a result. 

4. Have you worked on a similar project before?

The last thing you want to do is hire an SEO expert who doesn’t have any experience working on a similar project before. It’s important to find out how they’ve solved similar problems before, and what the results were. This will help you know if they’re up for the challenge of improving your site’s rankings. 

5. What is your process for monitoring and reporting?

This is another important question to ask because it will help you determine how well an SEO expert can keep up with the latest trends in the field. A reputable SEO will have an established and proven process for tracking and analyzing data, as well as a clear plan for how to achieve your goals within a given timeframe. If an SEO doesn’t have a clear plan or is hesitant to share their previous work, it might be a sign that they aren’t the right fit for your company.