What Are Technical SEO? 

If you’re a business owner, then you’ve likely wondered, “What is technical SEO?” The short answer is that it’s a strategy for websites that helps search engines index pages more effectively. This includes XML site maps and structured data markup, as well as using the Robots meta tag and Canonical tags. 

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Structured data markup 

In the world of technical SEO, you’ve probably heard about schema markup and structured data. The purpose of structured data is to give search engines such as Google the tools to better understand your pages. Unfortunately, this type of markup can be complicated to use. If you’re new to the field, you may be overwhelmed by the terminology. 

Structured data markup is a set of metadata or unified code that describes the information on your pages. This data can include product details, availability, and even reviews and ratings. It can also specify events, including dates, locations, programs, and ticket prices. The markup is invisible to the user but can help search engines better understand your content and match it to a user’s search query. 

XML Sitemap 

One of the most essential elements of technical SEO is an XML sitemap. A sitemap is a text file with one URL per link on it. It will help search engines like Google and Bing discover your site faster and appear in SERPs sooner. Additionally, a sitemap helps identify indexing problems. 

The XML sitemap must have several key components. One of them is a priority tag. This tag lets search engines know which pages are most important to visitors. When a sitemap has a high priority, Google is more likely to index it. 

Robots meta tag 

You should know how to use the Robots meta tag to optimize your website. It is a set of directives that tell search engines how to crawl your website. These directives can prevent unwanted pages from showing up in the SERPs, prevent unnecessary links from appearing on your website, and control the snippets shown in search engine results pages. By using the Robots meta tag, you can make sure that your site is running as smoothly as possible. 

The Robots meta tag should be placed in the head section of a web page. This can be done using an HTML editor or a content management system with an SEO plugin. 

Canonical tags 

A key element of technical SEO is the use of canonical tags. These help the search engine know which version of your content is the original. A website may have multiple language versions, and you may want to define the main version as the canonical version. This way, Google knows which page to show to users. 

While it may sound complicated, canonical tags are an essential tool in managing duplicate content. Understanding these tags can help you optimize pages and retain link equity. There are many misconceptions about canonical tags, and a lot of outdated information is floating around. 

Structured data audit 

Structured data is a fundamental element of a successful SEO campaign. It allows for a greater number of clicks and conversions. Without structured data, organic listings aren’t enough to gain traction on Google. In addition to implementing schema markup, key pages should be visible in SERP features, such as rich featured snippets. Finally, content should be targeted and formatted to answer specific queries. 

A good technical SEO strategy focuses on improving the end user’s experience. It also involves maintaining the best practice of SEO as search engine algorithms evolve. If you don’t stay up to date with changes, you risk being left behind and losing out on valuable traffic. For example, if your site is slow in certain regions, it will affect the ranking of your content.