What Are the SEO Tools? 

When you are trying to improve your website’s ranking, it is important to use SEO tools. There are a variety of tools available, and they can help you with different aspects of your business. These include Google Search Console, Ahrefs, DeepCrawl, and Woorank. 

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Google Search Console 

Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google that provides important metrics on website performance. The free tool helps marketers monitor and analyze traffic to their sites and can even identify security problems. It is also useful for troubleshooting technical errors on a website and tracking backlinks. The tools available in Google Search Console make it easy to improve the performance of any website. 

To get started with Google Search Console, you need to create an account on Google. You can do this through your Gmail account. Once you have an account, you can access the platform and create a new website. Once you have access, use the HTML code from Google Search Console to add code to your site’s header and root directory. 


The DeepCrawl SEO tool allows you to crawl your site in two directions and shows you the results in the search console and analytics. It also shows you the URL paths, duplicate pages, and other details related to your website. Using this tool, you can check the status of your site and make necessary changes. 

You can pause, stop, or delete a crawl if necessary. This tool will also send you an e-mail when the crawl has finished. You can also view the results on the dashboard screen. 


Woorank is an SEO tool that analyzes your website and gives you personalized tips for better ranking, sales, and lead generation. You can download a free version of Woorank to check your site or upgrade for more advanced features. The tool will analyze your website, identify its weaknesses and strengths, and prioritize tasks for improvement. The program will also provide you with a PDF report so you can analyze the results. 

It has various features including a keyword research tool and a social media tracking tool. The latter is useful for researching keywords and understanding which ones will be most effective for your website. The tool also shows you which keywords are performing the best in terms of search volume and web traffic. You can also find out what your competitors are doing right and wrong in terms of links and traffic generation. Lastly, the tool shows you which web pages drive the most traffic to your website.