What Does SEO Mean? 

The search engine giant Google dominates 92% of the search engine market. That means that everything in SEO revolves around how to optimize your website so that it ranks well on Google. Google’s goal is to provide the most relevant search results to its users as quickly as possible. The user inputs the search term, and Google outputs the results. 

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On-page SEO 

On-page SEO, or search engine optimization, is a process of optimizing a website to get it ranked higher for relevant keywords. Though the practice has evolved over the years, its core practices are still relevant and effective. New advances in machine learning and natural language processing have made Google’s crawlers much better at understanding web content and search intent. This allows them to understand content quality more accurately than ever before. Crawlers are no longer just looking for a single keyword on a page, but are instead looking for originality, depth, and authorship. 

Besides keyword research, on-page SEO also includes anchor text. Relevant anchor text describes the content on a website and helps web crawlers and users navigate the website. Internal linking is a crucial element of on-page SEO, which helps distribute PageRank throughout the website. The most important page is the homepage, but it is crucial to distribute link equity to other pages as well. While on-page SEO techniques are essential, advanced strategies can improve your website’s ranking. 

Technical SEO 

Technical SEO is a crucial component of search engine optimization (SEO). It gives search engine algorithms a reason to trust your site and will improve your rankings. Technical SEO involves optimizing your site’s content and code t make it more accessible and indexable. This will increase your site’s user experience and attract more traffic. It will also help improve your page’s search ranking signals and keep users on your site longer. 

One of the most important components of technical SEO is the use of structured data. Structured data is code visible to crawlers and helps search engines understand your content better. For example, you can use structured data to list the different categories of products sold on your site. 

Local SEO 

Local SEO efforts can span multiple locations. Local SEO efforts can improve your online visibility for local searches, and they can help you grow your business. You can start a blog and post articles for a particular city or neighborhood, and it will help you get listed in search engines. The goal of local SEO is to increase traffic to your website, but the challenges involved can be daunting. 

To start your local SEO efforts, create a description of your business that includes your credentials and offerings. Include a call to action. Alternatively, you can outsource SEO providers to write your business description, incorporating local SEO keywords and attributes. These attributes will help visitors know what you have to offer, and make your business stand out among the rest. 

Another way to improve your local search presence is to use reviews and consumer directories. Google uses consumer reviews as ranking signals, so focuses on collecting reviews on relevant sites.