Hard And Soft Skills For A Digital Marketing Analyst 

Digital marketing analysts use data to assess the effectiveness of online campaigns and provide actionable insights that help marketing teams make smarter decisions. They work with a team to collect and analyze data from different online channels and report it back to the marketing staff. 

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What are the hard and soft skills a digital marketing analyst needs to be successful? 

As a digital marketing analyst, you have to be highly analytical and have strong critical thinking skills. You’ll be constantly asking yourself, “What is causing one campaign to produce great results and another to fail?” These questions are what drive you to dig into the data and find patterns that will lead you to better insights. 

Being open to new ideas and technologies is also a good skill for a digital marketing analyst. New social media platforms, digital technology, and programs are emerging all the time, and it’s essential for a digital marketing analyst to stay up-to-date on these new things to ensure you are working with the most current data and leveraging the best strategies possible. 

Understanding fundamental marketing concepts – You’ll be doing a lot of research into what your customers are looking for and what they like to do online, so having some foundational knowledge of these topics can help you determine the right strategies to use for your campaigns. Having an undergraduate degree in marketing can be helpful, but many digital marketers have learned these concepts on their own or through online programs and boot camps. 

Communication skills – You’ll be sharing data and recommendations with the marketing team, so it’s crucial to have strong communication skills to explain your findings to them. This is particularly true if you have to present your reports or give presentations. 

Organizational skills – You’ll be keeping track of all your findings and making sure they are accurate, so being organized is a great skill to have. It’s also vital for a digital marketing analyst to be detail-oriented, as you will have to double-check your numbers and calculations to make sure they are valid and in line with what the marketing team has recommended. 

Excel savvy – You’ll be using Microsoft Excel extensively in this role to calculate everything from cost per click to customer lifetime value to average order values and more. You’ll need to know how to use this program so that you can compile all the information you need and present it in a way that makes sense to your team. 

Strategic – Being strategic means that you aren’t just focused on the data, but on your big-picture goals. As a digital marketing analyst, you should have a long-term view of your work and be willing to experiment and test until you achieve what you want for the business. 

Being a digital marketing analyst is a rewarding career that can take you across the country and even abroad. You can start out in this field as a junior analyst, but you can advance into a senior or manager position over the course of your career. The exact path you’ll take as a digital marketing analyst will depend on the company you work for, your experience level, and your own personal interests.