What Exactly Is A Website Keyword Map? 

A website keyword map is a spreadsheet that correlates keywords with URLs on a web page to give you an idea of where to target them for optimal search engine optimization. This helps you to create better content and optimize existing landing pages as well as better understand your site’s organic strategy as a whole. 

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It’s a very useful tool for SEOs and other digital marketing professionals who work on a site that has been designed and built. It can be particularly useful for site redesigns and migrations as it will provide a basis for keyword tracking during the process. 

The keyword map also enables you to identify any gaps in your current keyword strategy. This is when you may be missing opportunities to target other long-tail keywords that you could be used to improve your overall rankings. 

This is important as it can help you to create a more targeted approach and target specific keywords in your content that might have less competition or fewer search volumes, but will be more lucrative. 

It will also allow you to create a more consistent approach across your site, which is beneficial for both your visitors and your search engine ranking efforts. 

The most crucial step in creating a successful keyword map is identifying the main seed keywords that you want to rank for. The first step in doing this is to research the key terms that are relevant to your site and industry. Once you’ve found the main seed keywords, it’s time to make a list of their potential synonyms and variations. Then, you’ll need to categorize these keywords according to their topical relevance. This will be a very time-consuming task, but it’s well worth the effort as you’ll end up with a much more comprehensive list of keywords that you can target. 

After you’ve completed your list of keywords, it’s time to decide which ones should go on a particular page. This will depend on whether they have any cannibalization issues and how competitive it is for each of the individual keywords. 

You can easily do this by looking at the Google SERP for each of the queries you’ve identified in the previous steps. Ideally, the grouping should match the search intent for each of the keywords in your list. Taking this into consideration will ensure that your keyword mapping process is thorough and that you’re creating the most relevant and valuable content on your website. 

This will make it easier for you to rank and target your chosen keywords, and it will also be easier to keep track of any potential cannibalization that might be occurring within your site.