What Factors Do You Believe Make You A Good SEO Candidate Website? 

Keeping a website up to date with the latest SEO practices isn’t easy, and search engine algorithms can change in an instant. But a well-planned, well-implemented, and optimized SEO strategy can help your business stay ahead of the game. 

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Content Gap Analysis

The content of your website should be optimized for both humans and search engines. It should contain the keywords and queries your potential customers are searching for, and it should also offer a variety of relevant content options. 

It should be structured with a minimal menu hierarchy, and it should include simple navigation paths so that both search engine crawlers and users can easily move around your site. 

Page Speed

Page speed is a major factor in search rankings, and the recent Google algorithm update focused on mobile page speed means that it’s more important than ever to ensure your pages load quickly. If your pages take longer to load, you’ll lose visitors and a significant portion of your search traffic. 


SSL security is also a critical component of a website’s SEO strategy. Having HTTPS secures your web pages and prevents hackers from being able to steal data, including the details of your customers’ identities. This is a major concern for many businesses, but it’s a relatively low-cost and effective way to improve your online security. 

Rank Analysis

Depending on your business goals, SEO experts can help you determine which metrics are most important to your organization. They can review your site’s performance on the major search engines, and they can provide a detailed report that includes keyword ranking and link building. 

Metrics are one of the most crucial aspects of an SEO campaign, and it’s a great way for your SEO consultant to demonstrate their expertise and experience in the field. They can review your Google Analytics account and highlight areas where your site is doing well, as well as those where it needs improvement. 

They can identify key conversion and revenue metrics, as well as your bounce rate and page exit statistics. They can also help you understand your site’s overall user experience and identify any content gaps that may be affecting the quality of your site’s search ranking. 

You can find a range of tools and resources that can help you audit your website’s SEO, from free services like UpCity to paid offerings that provide more in-depth analysis and reporting features. 

If you’re looking for more advanced reports and analysis, you can use a tool like SEOquake to create an in-depth report that gives you a comprehensive look at your entire website’s SEO health. You can then adjust the reports to show only the metrics that matter most to your business. 

When interviewing SEO candidates, it’s important to ask questions that get them talking about their background and experiences in the field. These questions will help you gauge how knowledgeable they are and whether they’ll be able to provide the best possible service for your company.