What Is a Business Marketing Explainer Video? 

If you’re not familiar with the benefits of creating a business marketing explainer video, this article will give you the basic steps. Read on for an easy-to-follow guide to making a video and discover how to create a live-action explainer video. You can also follow a step-by-step guide to creating a chalkboard explainer video. 

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Benefits of creating a business marketing explainer video 

Creating an explainer video is an excellent way to boost your SEO. Compared to text, the video uses voice, music, and movement to convey a message. It can also drive traffic to your website and be easily shared on social media. Video content can be used for a variety of marketing purposes, including FAQ pages and blog posts. 

Animation can help your explainer video stand out. An animated video can feature illustrated locations and visual metaphors. It can also feature characters the audience can relate to, which will help establish your brand identity. 

A step-by-step guide to creating a business marketing explainer video 

An explainer video is a great way to educate potential customers about your product or service. These videos can be used on various media channels, from blogs to social media. The content of your video should address your core message, audience’s pain points, USP, and stage of the buyer’s journey. Use a conversational tone and focus on the key benefits of your product or service. 

Once you have an idea for your video, you’ll want to create a video brief. This document is like a lighthouse or map for your marketing video. Include the message you want to convey, as well as any images, graphics, or music. 

Live-action explainer video 

Live-action business marketing explainer videos use real video footage instead of animation or motion graphics. They can be used for a variety of purposes, but are most effective when explaining a product or service or providing testimonials from satisfied customers. A good explainer video should have a clear message and a professional voiceover. It should also have a CTA (call to action) that explains how a viewer can learn more or make a purchase. 

Live-action business marketing explainer videos should emphasize the benefits of a product or service and include a strong CTA. They aren’t meant to be sales pitches but should raise awareness and interest in a product or service. A well-produced video can be a valuable tool for spreading the word about a new product or service and revealing a brand. 

Chalkboard explainer video 

A whiteboard explainer video is a visual presentation in which the user is presented with an idea, solution, or process. The process is illustrated through pictures, which helps the user understand the solution and convert it into a lead. The content should be concise and direct. A good voice-over artist can make the difference between a successful and a less-than-stellar video. 

A whiteboard explainer video can also be made using professional animation, which can further increase the brand’s image. Whiteboard explainer videos typically feature a simulated drawing hand to enhance the viewer’s immersion. The animation also helps underline scene transitions and progressions. A whiteboard video also allows the viewer to see what’s happening and what steps are needed.