What Is an SEO Tool? 

SEO Tools are useful for several reasons. For example, a tool can fix broken links, redirects, and more. It can also monitor your site and suggest ways to improve it. There are many different SEO tools available, so you must choose one that works for you. 

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GMBSpy SEO tools are Google Chrome extensions that enable you to research your competitors. The extension lets you know which categories have been assigned to your competitors’ listings. As a small business owner, you can make sure your business is listed in the right category. Otherwise, your competitors may be outranking you in your area. 

GMBspy is free to download and install on your browser. It is a great tool to improve local SEO, as well as to monitor competitors. It allows you to view all the categories that a competitor has, making it easier to determine where to improve your SEO. 

also asked 

SEO tools are not everything. However, they can help you with backend optimization and can help spot problems with your website. Ahrefs, for example, is known for its backlink database, but its other features include competitor analysis, content analysis, and site audits. It also has a rank-tracking feature. Similarly, SEMrush is good for weekly checkups. 

Another great tool for organic search is Google Search Console. This tool shows you the search queries Google has ranked your content for. While some of these may not be targeted, you may find some hidden keywords that you could use in your content and add new pages. You can filter by impression and clicks to get more insights into how your content is performing in the SERPs. 

Muck Rack 

Muck Rack is a great SEO tool that matches you up with the right journalists to promote your content. It combines the expertise of PR professionals with the contacts of journalists. It bills itself as the easiest way to reach journalists. Once you sign up for the service, you can just find the journalists you want to connect with, copy their contact information, and paste it into your email client. 

Muck Rack also lets you track your media contacts. It allows you to see how many impressions your articles receive, including those from verified journalists. It also lets you see how many times they’re shared on social networks. Once you’ve got enough media coverage, you can pitch a journalist by sending personalized pitches. 


Linkody is a new online marketing tool that analyzes and tracks your website’s backlinks. It can also monitor your competitor’s websites and alert you when they receive new links. It also helps you build a strong link profile to increase your rankings. Linkody is free and offers a 30-day trial. 

This tool lets you see up to 100 referring domains. It allows you to identify potential link opportunities and analyze the quality of the links. It also gives you a detailed report of your backlinks, including the amount of traffic they are generating. Another handy feature is its ability to tell if a page has been indexed in Google. It does this by analyzing the link structure of a website, as well as its MozRank.