What is alt text, and how does it impact SEO? 

Alt text, short for alternative text, is a description of an image that is read by screen readers or displayed in place of an image if it fails to load. Alt text is an important part of web accessibility, but it also plays a role in SEO. In this article, we will explore what alt text is and how it impacts SEO. 

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What is Alt Text? 

Alt text is a short text description of an image that is added to the HTML code of a webpage. It is used to provide information about an image to visually impaired users who use screen readers to browse the web. Screen readers read the alt text aloud to the user, enabling them to understand what the image is about. Alt text is also used as a fallback for search engines when they cannot understand an image. 

How Does Alt Text Impact SEO? 

Alt text is an important part of SEO because it provides search engines with information about the content of an image. Search engines use this information to understand the context of an image and how it relates to the content on the page. This helps search engines rank the page more accurately and provide better results for users. 

Alt text also plays a role in image search. When users perform an image search, search engines use the alt text to determine the relevance of the images to the search query. This means that using descriptive and relevant alt text can help improve the visibility of your images in image search results. 

Best Practices for Alt Text. 

Here are some best practices for writing alt text that is both accessible and SEO-friendly: 

  1. Be Descriptive: Alt text should accurately describe the content of the image. Use descriptive language to convey what the image is about, including any important details that are relevant to the content on the page. 
  1. Keep it Short: Alt text should be short and to the point. Avoid writing long paragraphs or overly detailed descriptions that may be difficult for screen readers to read. 
  1. Use Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords into your alt text where appropriate. This can help improve the relevance of your images to specific search queries. 
  1. Avoid Keyword Stuffing: While it’s important to use keywords in your alt text, avoid keyword stuffing. This means cramming too many keywords into your alt text in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings. Keyword stuffing is considered spammy and can actually hurt your SEO efforts. 
  1. Use Specificity: When writing alt text, be as specific as possible. Use details that are relevant to the image and the content on the page. 

In conclusion, alt text is an important part of web accessibility and plays a role in SEO. By using descriptive and relevant alt text, you can help improve the visibility of your images in search results and provide a better user experience for visually impaired users. Remember to follow best practices for writing alt text and avoid keyword stuffing, and you’ll be well on your way to creating SEO-friendly and accessible content.