What is an SEO Title? 

Creating a good SEO title is essential to helping your site appear higher in the search engine results pages. The title is the first thing searchers see before clicking on your site. SEO titles are also known as meta titles and page titles. They are part of HTML code, which is displayed in web browser tabs, social media posts, and other places on the web. 

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An SEO title tells Google what your page is about and the relevance of your content. It is also used as a call to action, helping your visitors to stay longer and explore more pages. 

Google has always placed a high value on title tags. They use this information to serve the right people with the right content. If the title does not match their needs, they will search for alternative content. However, if your title is too generic, it will not encourage searchers to click through. It will also result in lower content rankings. 

A good SEO title will include the primary keyword and other secondary SEO keywords. Using long-tail keywords will give your title more context and will help you rank better. A study by Ahrefs found a correlation between title tags and rankings. However, Google’s Hummingbird algorithm is also designed to identify synonyms of keywords. Therefore, it is important to place the variations naturally throughout your content. 

In August 2021, Google changed how it generates SEO title tags. This update is designed to produce readable titles. In addition, Google has started collecting user feedback about the titles shown in search results. They have created a dedicated feedback forum for this purpose. 

The ideal length for a SEO title is around 60 characters. If your title is longer than this, Google will cut it down to fit the space. Using brackets can also break up your title, which can help improve click-through rates. 

Google’s Hummingbird algorithm is also used to identify the variations of keywords, which is essential for creating a good SEO title. If you have multiple keywords that you want to use for your page, it is best to use one primary keyword and then place variations naturally throughout the content. Using long-tail keywords will also help your page rank better. 

The best SEO titles are those that fit as many keywords as possible into the 70-character word limit. Google also recommends that you include your brand name in the SEO title tag. This will help cement your brand’s recognition and give visitors a sense of trust. However, using too many keywords in the title tag will result in Google rewriting it. 

As with any other part of your website’s SEO, the title tag can be easily optimized by using website SEO tools. A plugin such as Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack will automatically create and set up title tags on your site. You can also use WordPress to easily set up title tags. However, you should always follow  ,”     SEO best practices to ensure that your title tags are accurate and readable.