What Is Digital Marketing Degree? 

As a digital marketing professional, you need to keep up with current trends and technologies to stay relevant in the industry. A good resource for ongoing education is the Association of National Advertisers and the American Marketing Association. These organizations promote brand excellence and clean campaigns. They also offer networking opportunities and can help you achieve your professional goals. 

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Cost of a digital marketing degree 

Cost is a major consideration when choosing a program, whether you are going to school online or on campus. Online programs can range from $250 per day for SEO boot camps to $15,000 for a fully online Digital Marketing Diploma. Some programs can take just a few weeks to complete. Some programs offer personalized tutor support and eBooks. Students who pursue an online digital marketing degree will learn how to advertise online, evaluate metrics, and build powerful strategies. 

The cost of a digital marketing degree varies from school to school and is dependent on the duration of the course. While an online master’s degree can cost as little as $11,850, an online bachelor’s degree can cost anywhere from $55,470 to $115,000 depending on the institution and program. There are several options for students to reduce their tuition costs, including scholarships and funding assistance. The average salary for a digital marketer is between $83k and $119k per year, and opportunities vary depending on the level of education. 

Coursework involved in a digital marketing degree 

Digital marketing involves leveraging the latest technology to build a loyal consumer base, interact with customers, and collect data on consumer behavior. LSU Online’s Bachelor of Science in General Business with a concentration in Digital Marketing offers coursework that focuses on customer acquisition and retention. You’ll also learn about data mining and the importance of integrated campaigns across multiple interactive mediums. This degree is a great way to become a marketing expert. 

When choosing a school to earn your degree, consider the total cost of tuition, fees, and any financial aid options available. This will help you determine if the program will be the right fit for you. It’s also important to choose a program that’s updated and current, and one that offers electives. 

Salary of a digital marketing professional 

Salary for a digital marketing professional can vary widely depending on the type of job and where one works. A digital marketing manager earns on average $76,477 in New York, $69,270 in Chicago, and $66,248 in Denver. The salary of a digital marketing manager also depends on the type of company and its industry. The table below details the salaries for different manager roles in each of the top six digital channels. 

A digital marketing professional’s salary depends on the type of experience and expertise that he or she has. Some digital marketers specialize in one or more areas, like search engine optimization, social media marketing, and email marketing. A digital marketing professional who has expertise in a specific area will command a higher salary than one who doesn’t.