What is Digital Marketing in SEO? 

Digital marketing, or SEO, is a type of marketing focused on increasing the visibility of a website in search engine results. It involves using various techniques to optimize a website for search engines and consumers. When performed properly, it will allow a website to appear higher on search engine results pages. 

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Technical SEO 

Technical SEO is a crucial part of any website and is essential for driving traffic and converting it into revenue. Without technical SEO, the best content and keywords will go unnoticed by Google’s crawlers. Furthermore, without proper indexing, link juice, and content, your website won’t rank highly. 

In addition to ranking high in search results, technical SEO also ensures that a site doesn’t contain duplicate content. Duplicate content is not only unattractive to search engines, but it also competes with itself. Technical SEO makes sure that a site’s pages are properly optimized for search engines and improves the user experience. This helps keep users on the site longer, improves conversion rates, and attracts more links. 

Another important aspect of technical SEO is ensuring that 404 pages are removed from websites. While the URLs on these pages may still contain links, they do not provide the desired user experience. This can seriously affect the technical SEO of your website. A 404 page is usually the result of a URL change, but it can also result from a broken link. Fortunately, you can fix this issue by using a 301 redirect. 

Measurement of success of digital marketing in SEO 

A key metric in the measurement of digital marketing success is the amount of website traffic. This is measured using the tools provided by your hosting service or by the major search engines. The higher the number of visitors, the more likely you are to gain sales and leads. To measure digital marketing success, consider how long visitors stay on your website and which channels bring the most return visitors. 

SEO is an important part of a digital marketing strategy, but it can be difficult to measure results. Keyword rankings are helpful, but they don’t give the full picture of how effective your marketing is. To measure the performance of your SEO efforts, you can use Google Analytics. This tool is free and can help you monitor the success of your website. 

Other metrics that you can use to measure your digital marketing success are search engine traffic and return traffic. If your website is getting more visitors than it lost through search engine traffic, this is a sign that you have optimized your content. You should also measure bounce rates to measure how often visitors leave your site without clicking anything. A good bounce rate should be under 40%. Conversion rates are the percentage of visitors who click on a link or make a purchase. The number of external links linking to your website is also a good indicator that most people found your content valuable.