What is Page Search Engine Optimization? 

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing a website to make it more accessible to search engines and increase its organic traffic. This includes a range of techniques that help to ensure a website is relevant and authoritative in relation to specific search queries, and it also aims to improve the overall quality of a site’s content. 

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The key components of on-page search engine optimization are page titles, meta descriptions and internal linking. These are important for the rankings of pages, and they should be optimized to make sure that search engines understand the relevance of a given page. 

Header tags (H1 through H6) are another important element of on-page search engine optimization. They provide context to the rest of the content and they also act as keywords for search engines to understand. Using solid header tags will help your page stand out in the search results and attract users’ attention. 

Writing a Title Tag that Crawls Right

The title of your page is an essential element for search engine crawlers. You should use your primary keyword in the title and you should try to make it descriptive so that it stands out from the competition. 

You should also ensure that the title is easy to read by humans. It should be short enough to catch a user’s eye but long enough to give a decent impression of the content of the page. 

It is best to avoid overly repetitive or cluttered titles as this can affect the search engine rankings of your page. The most effective titles are those that include the keyword you are targeting, as well as other words related to the content of the page. 

URLs are another vital element of on-page search engine optimization, and you should be careful not to change them too often – this can negatively impact your page’s authority. This is why it’s important to check that they are both logically related and search-engine-friendly before changing them. 

Remove stop words – These are words that don’t contribute to the meaning of the page, such as “the,” “for” or “a.” You should remove them from your URLs as they can be difficult to digest for both visitors and search engines. 

Images are a great way to add content to your website, and you should take advantage of this by making them visually appealing and by using alt text on your images so that search engine bots can understand what the image is all about. It is also a good idea to include a link back to the original source of the image, so that people who click on your images can go directly to your site. 

On-page search engine optimization is easy to implement, and can be done by anyone who has a modern content management system like WordPress, Contentful or Umbraco. Depending on the scale of your site, you may want to automate some elements of this process.