How to Tell Search Engines What is On-Page SEO? 

When it comes to on-page SEO, you need to make it easy for your searchers to find the information they are looking for. If the information is not easy to find, they will likely skip it and go to the next page. Creating a hierarchy of information on your page from the need to know to nice to know is key to making your page search engine-friendly. 

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Alt tags are used to tell search engines what is on page SEO 

Alt tags are a way to tell search engines what is on a page. The text in the Alt tag should be as relevant to the image as possible. Avoid keyword stuffing and use descriptive words. Search engines and users can easily understand the image content if the ALT tag is short and meaningful. 

Adding an alt tag is a great way to increase your SEO. Not only do you get a second chance to include keywords, but you can also include more descriptive text. The goal of the alt tag is to tell search engines enough about the image so that they can understand what the image is about. It also gives them an idea of how the image fits in with the rest of the page. 

Meta descriptions are visible to users in the SERPs 

Meta descriptions appear in the SERPs when a user searches for a given term. Unlike title tags, meta descriptions are not ranked by Google, but they have an impact on Click Through Rate (CTR). The goal of meta descriptions is to entice the reader to continue reading your content. The meta description should be at least 160 characters long and contain keywords that encourage them to read further. 

A good meta description should include words that describe the value of the content on the webpage and include a call to action. The length and phrasing will depend on the context of the webpage. When writing a meta description, test different versions and use various keyword positioning and lengths to find the one that works best for you. 

Duplicate content is bad for on-page SEO 

You can do several things to avoid duplicate content on your site. For one, it’s bad for on-page SEO. When a website has multiple versions of the same content, Google doesn’t know which version should be included in the index. This is why avoiding duplicate content on your site is essential. 

It’s also bad for search engine rankings. Even though most cases of duplicate content are benign, if you have more than one page on your site, search engines may not be able to identify which page is the best. As a result, the duplicated pages will be ranked lower than the original ones. Also, Google may take manual action against your site if they detect duplicate content on multiple pages. 

Avoid keyword stuffing 

While keyword stuffing can increase brand recognition, this tactic should be avoided at all costs. It is a high-risk approach to SEO and can result in your site being penalized by Google. Instead, use relevant keywords in the right amount and make your content read naturally. Using too many keywords will only harm your rankings and cause your content to be unreadable, which will cause users to leave your website. 

Keyword stuffing is an SEO practice wherein you over-repeat the same keyword across your entire website. This is done for the sole purpose of getting a high ranking in Google. While many webmasters aspire to reach the top ranks of Google, keyword stuffing will often backfire.