What is SEO HubSpot? 

When using HubSpot, you have the option to access SEO tools in your account. These tools can help you increase your organic traffic and get indexed higher in search engines. HubSpot allows you to define topics for each page, which helps search engines index your website higher. Keyword phrases should be in the title, meta description, and content. In addition, hyperlinks should be internal. Internal links should point back to your pillar page or pillar keywords. They will help search engines know what the website is about and how important each unique page is.

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On-Page SEO Template 

The SEO Hubspot on-page SEO template is a must-have for any website owner who wants to optimize their website. It has a laundry list of technical SEO features to improve performance and rankings. For some time now, Google has been emphasizing website speed as a ranking factor on desktops, but in July 2018, they took it to a whole new level. Page speed now plays a key role in mobile searches, too. 

Keyword research 

A key part of the SEO process is keyword research. This research helps you choose the right keywords to promote your website and content. It also gives you insight into what your target audience is searching for. Knowing what they are searching for will help you determine your content strategy and larger marketing plan. People use keywords to find solutions online, and if your content is getting in front of these people when they are conducting searches, you are likely to receive more traffic. 

On-Page SEO 

On-Page SEO is the process of improving your website’s content, which tells readers and search engines what your site is about. To create high-quality content, you should begin by researching relevant keywords and topics. To find keywords, you can use Google or other search engines. Alternatively, you can use a keyword tool, such as Ahrefs, AnswerthePublic, or UberSuggest. Afterward, make sure that your page content incorporates short and long-tail keywords, and always write for the buyer persona. 

XML sitemaps 

The XML sitemaps are a useful tool for search engine optimization (SEO). These are meant to give search crawlers a plan on how to construct a website. Poor sitemaps can affect ranking, and can also negatively impact user experience. Fortunately, HubSpot CMS has built-in features for creating and editing sitemaps. You can even manually add pages to your sitemap. 

On-Page SEO recommendations 

If you’re struggling to attract traffic to your website, you may want to consider SEO Hubspot’s on-page SEO recommendations. These recommendations will help you improve your website’s search performance, content strategy, and lead conversions. Using SEO techniques has come a long way since the days of keyword stuffing. Google’s algorithms have become more sophisticated and less influenced by outdated on-page SEO techniques. The only way to rank high on search engines is to create valuable content and use them to attract more traffic to your website.