What is Technical SEO? 

Technical SEO is a term that refers to the process of optimizing a website to achieve the highest search engine rankings. This process involves a variety of techniques, including the use of Meta tags, Structured data, XML sitemap, and Responsive web design. In addition, it involves the use of certain software. 

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Structured data 

Structured data is coded into web pages to allow search engines to understand the content of a page. It helps search engines present more information on the results page, increasing the likelihood that a person will click on a link to your page. When done correctly, structured data will increase your organic traffic and improve your ranking on search engines. 

Structured data is a powerful tool in technical SEO. It helps improve search engine results and personalize the experience of a user. It helps search engines understand the content of a web page and makes it a good candidate for rich snippets and knowledge boxes. By adding structured data, Google will be able to understand the content of your website and will respond directly to their users’ queries. 

Meta tags 

Meta tags play an important role in search results. Your page’s title tag is an important element to include as it appears as the clickable headline on search engine results pages. It helps users understand the content of the page and avoid clicking on irrelevant links. Use proper keyword placement in the title tag to help search engines find your page more easily. 

You should also use a viewport meta tag to optimize your web page for mobile users. This tag helps search engines determine if the page can be viewed on mobile devices. If the page is not compatible with mobile devices, Google may consider it as unattractive and will penalize your website’s search rankings. 

XML Sitemap 

When generating an XML sitemap for technical SEO, it’s important to select relevant pages. For example, you should avoid including pages that don’t relate to your websites, such as contact us or privacy policies. An XML sitemap should contain only pages that your website visitors would be interested in viewing. 

Although XML sitemaps are not required, they are beneficial for indexing and spidering. Though search engines can still find your pages without an XML sitemap, creating one will make the process much easier. Having a sitemap is especially important if you have recently added or created pages. 

Responsive web design 

Responsive web design is a great way to increase engagement and increase sales by making your site readable and transparent across devices. A well-designed, expert website with readable content and quality product descriptions will encourage visitors to buy more. In addition, responsive design gives your business a competitive edge over your rivals. Your expert website is your best marketing tool. 

Responsive web design is an essential element for long-term success in search engine optimization. Developing a mobile-optimized website requires the proper design and development. It should take into account the area, language, and scope of the website. For example, a website designed for desktop users may have a hamburger menu that only appears on mobile devices. A desktop website may feature many columns, but it will collapse to one column on mobile. 

Canonical tags 

While canonical tags are an important part of technical SEO, there are other factors to consider when implementing them. For example, if you’re referencing the main page of a different domain, you may accidentally create duplicate content. In these cases, the search engines won’t know which version to index or which version to rank. 

Canonical tags are important because they direct search engines to the correct version of your page. This not only improves ranking but also provides other benefits, such as more organic traffic. Adding canonical tags to each page helps Google prioritize its resources and will make your website more visible.