What is the importance of internal linking for technical SEO?  

Internal links are hyperlinks that point to pages on the same domain (internal), instead of external links that point to pages on a different domain (external). They help search engines find, index, and understand all of your pages. This makes them very important for any site that wants to rank well in search results. 

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What are the benefits of internal links?

Internal linking is a key aspect of technical SEO, helping search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your website. It also helps spread page authority (ranking power) across your entire website. 

The best way to implement internal linking is to create a structured navigational system that guides users and Google to the most important pages of your website. This can be done through limiting the depth of your website, or by creating semantic clusters that make it easier for search engines to rank hub pages. 

What are contextual internal links?

Contextual internal links are a type of link that points to related content on another page, within the body of the text. They can be placed throughout your articles to guide users to other relevant pages, or they can be placed at the bottom of your web pages for SEO purposes. 

How do I improve my internal linking strategy? 

To improve your internal linking strategy, it is important to keep your website updated with new content. This is a good time to create new internal links to point visitors to your most relevant pages. 

It is also a good idea to update your internal linking structure if you have made changes to your website, such as removing a page or changing its content. This will allow your internal links to remain up to date and help visitors navigate your site easily. 

What is the most effective way to monitor your internal linking?

Using a tool like Oncrawl SEO gives you the ability to track the number of incoming and outgoing links on your website. With these metrics, you can easily discover weak points in your internal linking strategy and improve the weight carried by key pages. 

What is the difference between a nofollow and a follow link?

Typically, a nofollow link will pass SEO value to other pages, whereas a follow link does not. However, it is not always the case. For example, if you have a log-in page that does not provide SEO value, you may want to include the nofollow attribute to prevent search engines from crawling it. 

What is the benefit of using anchor text in internal links?

Aside from sending SEO value to other pages, using exact match anchor text in internal links can be beneficial for user engagement. This is especially helpful for guiding readers to pages that contain the keyword(s) you want them to find. 

However, this strategy is not ideal because it can lead to a poor user experience and damage your search engine rating. Moreover, if you have lots of exact-match anchor text in your internal links, it can be considered spammy by search engines. It is not always possible to avoid this issue completely, but it is important to use a variety of anchor texts on your website.