What is the role of alt tags in on-site optimization? 

The alt attribute, also known as alternative text, is an HTML element that is applied to images in web pages to provide search engines with a more specific description of the content of an image. Without this text, search engines would not know how to interpret and index an image, which can negatively impact a website’s ranking. 

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Adding an image can add an element of style and beauty to a page, but it can also be an opportunity to include relevant keywords. However, when done improperly, this can lead to a number of on-site SEO mistakes that can hurt a website’s rankings and traffic. 

Mistake #2: Empty alt tags (alt attributes).

The Alt tag is an important on-site optimization factor because it can provide additional information about a particular image for both users and search engine crawlers. It is a good idea to use an alt tag for every image on your site unless the image is truly not related to the content of the page or blog post. 

When writing alt tags, it is important to be descriptive and useful and to avoid keyword stuffing. Using too many keywords or words that are not directly relevant to the image can negatively impact your search engine rankings, and may be viewed as spam. 

It is also recommended to use a hyphen since it makes the text easier to read for both search engine crawlers and humans. This also reduces the amount of unnecessary character space taken up by your ALT tags. 

Creating descriptive and informative alt tags can be time-consuming, but it is well worth the effort to ensure that your site’s visitors can appreciate your content regardless of their ability to see an image. 

Besides adding keywords and other relevant information to your alt tags, there are a few other on-site optimization tips you can follow to maximize the benefits of this important on-site SEO factor. These tips will help to ensure that your images are optimized and are a great addition to any online store or website.