What is the role of structured data in technical SEO?  

Structured data is a form of markup that helps search engines better understand and display website content. This can help to improve your site’s ranking, increase its visibility, and make it easier for searchers to find your site and get what they want from it.

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Google uses a number of different formats for structured data, and the one that is used most often by Google is Schema Markup. This type of markup uses machine-readable tags to define information about a web page’s content, such as the name of a product, review content, ratings, and images. 

It is important to use a specific format for your structured data because it needs to be parsed and understood by search engines. This means that the syntax and vocabulary must be consistent, so that search engine algorithms can read it properly. 

The main advantage of using schema markup is that it will qualify your content for rich snippets in Google search results. These results are more appealing and useful than regular snippets and can help to attract more attention and clicks to your site. 

In addition, structured data can help to qualify your website for AMP pages, which are faster versions of your site that can be displayed in a Google search result when a user searches on mobile devices. It can also be used to provide organizational links to other priority pages on your website, helping users to navigate through your site. 

Another benefit of using structured data is that it can be used to help your business stand out from the competition in Google’s Knowledge Graph. This feature appears on the right-hand side of a Google search results page and displays information about your business, including logos, social media links, and more. 

Brand Awareness and Authority: A brand’s presence in the knowledge graph is a powerful tool that can enhance its credibility, especially when it is shown alongside other high-quality businesses on the same page. This enhanced result can be a real game changer for any business, as it shows a user that the company they are searching for is an authority in their industry and has a great reputation online. 

Getting Your Website to Show Up in Google’s Knowledge Graph.

Adding structured data to your website is the best way to boost its visibility in search. This can be done by adding information about your brand, products, and services, as well as upcoming events to your website’s pages. 

Aside from enhancing your website’s visibility in Google’s search results, adding structured data to your website can also help to improve your On-SERP SEO strategy. This involves qualifying your website for over 30 rich results, known as rich snippets, that maximize the functionality and visibility of your links with more actionable, appealing, and detailed information embedded directly in the search results. 

You can implement structured data on your website’s content by adding a piece of code to the HTML of your site, called a structured data markup. There are a few formats to choose from, but Google prefers schema markup and microdata.