What is the significance of SSL certificates for technical SEO?  

SSL certificates are a critical part of a website’s security. They ensure that data sent between a visitor’s web browser and the website’s server is encrypted so that only the intended recipient can see it. In addition to securing online transactions, SSL certificates also help protect against hackers and other forms of cyberattack. 

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What is the significance of SSL certificates for technical SEO?

Google has made a number of changes to its search algorithm since 2014, which has prioritized secure websites over non-secure ones. This has led to a large increase in the number of website owners who are looking to improve their ranking with an SSL certificate. 

What are the different types of SSL certificates?

There are three types of SSL certificates available: Domain Validation (DV), Organization Validation (OV), and Extended Validation (EV). Each type has its own benefits, so it is important to choose the one that best suits your needs. 


The simplest and least expensive of all the SSL certificates, Domain Validation is designed for small business owners who need to confirm that they own their site. It takes a matter of minutes to activate a DV SSL and, upon activation, your visitors can see the padlock icon in the address bar to indicate that their data is being protected. 


Organization Validation SSLs are for businesses that require higher levels of validation and are more secure than Domain Validation ones. They are issued by a certificate authority that checks the authenticity of the holder’s company. Generally, it takes two to five working days for an OV SSL certificate to be activated. 


Extended Validation SSLs are for more secure and highly visible sites, such as e-commerce stores and other businesses that collect sensitive information from users. They are typically issued for a minimum of one year. Despite this, the length of validity is often shortened due to Google and other browsers’ stricter standards. 

How to install an SSL certificate?

There are many ways to get an SSL certificate, but they all involve generating a CSR and submitting it to the certificate authority. You can do this through your server, a cPanel or an online CSR generator. Once you have your certificate, you can then install it on your website to ensure that all of your pages are secured and encrypted. 

What is the significance of SSL certificate installation?

An SSL certificate is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy. Not only does it secure your website’s connections, but it also improves the user experience and your rankings with Google. 

Whether you are an eCommerce store or a small business, it is vital to implement a secure website that protects your customer’s data and prevents phishing attacks. An SSL certificate is the most effective way to do this. 

As Google makes a strong effort to encourage secure connections on the internet, it is becoming more and more crucial to switch your website over to HTTPS as quickly as possible. It may not be a significant factor in your ranking yet, but it’s worth the effort to make sure that your visitors can connect safely and securely.