What Questions to Ask a Local SEO Company? 

If you are looking for a local SEO company, there are a few things that you should consider before hiring them. These questions can help you make an informed decision and avoid a costly mistake. 

(Searching in Google “SEO company and service“? Contact us today!)

  1. How Experienced Are You in the Local Search Industry?

This is an important question to ask because it will reveal how well your potential local SEO agency knows its craft. They should be able to give you examples of their work and tell you how many years they have been in the business. You should also be able to find out whether they have worked with businesses in your industry before. 

2. Can You Guarantee Local SEO Results? 

A lot of companies try to sell themselves as “SEO experts” and claim to have a proven relationship with Google or other search engines. These claims are often made in an attempt to attract clients who will pay them a fee to boost their local search rankings. 

The truth is, there is no way to guarantee that you will rank highly for any given keyword or term. This is a fact that search engines like Google have made very clear to marketers. 

3. What Are Your Approaches to Link Building? 

Link building is one of the most important aspects of local SEO. It is necessary for boosting your website’s visibility, but it requires strategic planning and tracking to ensure that you are getting the best return on your investment. 

4. Do They Use Esoteric Technical Jargon? 

You don’t want a local SEO agency that uses esoteric technical jargon, as it can make your understanding of the process difficult. You should ask them if they use simple terms or explain things in plain English so that you can easily understand the details of their strategy. 

  1. Does the Local SEO Agency Have a Communication System?

Communication is essential in any kind of marketing, and local SEO is no exception. Any agency that doesn’t have a proper communication system could be wasting your time and money. 

6. How Will You Track the Results? 

Local SEO is a long-term process, so it’s important that the agency you choose has a good system in place to keep tabs on your progress and deliver results. They should be willing to provide you with regular reports and be transparent about how their work is affecting your rankings and traffic. 

7. Does Your Agency Have a Track Record? 

The best local SEO agencies will be able to provide you with references and case studies. This will allow you to see how they performed with their previous clients and what kind of results they were able to achieve. 

8. Do They Offer Other Services? 

If you need additional services such as social media, PPC, or influencer marketing, it’s always a good idea to find an agency that offers these options in addition to local search engine optimization. This can make your business more successful and help you save money in the long run.